Do carrots help you see in the dark

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Do carrots help you see in the dark”,you can compare them.

Yes they really do beta-carotene helps the body produce vitamin A which helps improve vision. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do carrots help you see in the dark
Do carrots help you see in the dark?
From the article on carrots at Wikipedia: Lack of Vitamin A can cause poor vision, including night vision, and vision can be restored by adding Vitamin A back into the diet. The urban legend that says eat…
Does eating carrots help you see in the dark?
KIND OF…One of the oldest and probably most well known ‘stories’ about the eyes. Many people also now know that this was misinformation given out by the British during the Second World War, intended to explain why their pilots could fin…
Is it true that carrots help us see in the dark?
According to the website, this was folklore and not based on science. During World War II, British intelligence didn’t want Germans to find out about their superior technology, the airborne reception radar that helped them pinp…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

WWII RAF pilots eating carrots ‘to see in the dark’ – reality?
Q: I’ve seen old newsreels of cheery WWII RAF pilots tucking into their carrots, with the commentator saying it was to help them see in the dark.Later I read that it was in fact to get rid of a glut of carrots.Later still, somebody also told me that the newsreels were exported to neutral countries and it was hoped that spies would report them and keep the Germans from learning that the Allies had developed cockpit-based radar.Are either of these stories true? If they both are, it was pretty darn ingenious.
A: I know for a fact that the radar part of the story was true, I’m not so sure about the getting rid of carrots part, but it does fit. I mean, they could have used any vegatable.I agree, it was incredibly ingenious
Do carrots help you see in the dark?
Q: I know bluejayflyby asked this a while back but all the answers were wrong. Come back in a couple of days to find the truth: )
A: Nope. That was a big myth styarted in the war to explain why the RAF pilots were able to be so successful at night against German bombers. And in fact it was the highly secret, newly invented radar that helped them.
Carrot cake–Why is it that some of the shredded carrots look dark green after baking?
Q: I haven’t noticed this in other carrot cakes, only mine. Wondering if something like baking soda is interacting with something in the carrots, causing them to turn the dark green color.
A: i found this answer here in yahoo questions from about two years ago. Hope this helps!Strangely enough, carrot peels turn green when baked into carrot cake. Make sure to peel all of your carrots before shredding them and you won’t have bits of green in your cake! There is similar information on several other websites.Although there is also some discussion about baking soda and the type of pan being used, I expect that the peel is the culprit. If you’re following the recipe, the baking soda should not be a problem. If you reduce the amount of soda, you’ll have a different problem. Your cake won’t rise properly.
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