Does drinking tea help you lose weight

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Does drinking tea help you lose weight”,you can compare them.

If it is Green Tea you are drinking then yes! It helps in weight loss by increasing body’s metabolism. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does drinking tea help you lose weight
Does Drinking Tea Help You Lose Weight?
In quick fix diet news, it seems advertisements like the one on the left might not be giving people the whole truth. Although it’s hard to believe anyone would be deceptive for the sake of selling a product, Drinking Tea Helps You Lose We…
Does drinking green tea help lose weight?
If you’re drinking green tea from a bottle complete with sugar and added junk, then no. If you’re drinking brewed green tea from a teabag, then yes. It has antioxidants, which are good for you. It has a small amount of caffeine which is an …
Will drinking green tea help lose weight?
I think green tea does aid weight loss in a small amount but it is not a weight loss miracle. That said, it is very healthy to drink and it would be worth it even if it didn’t speed up your metabolism.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

does drinking green tea help lose weight?
Q: does drinking green tea help you lose weight? if so, why, and how much?
A: If you’re drinking green tea from a bottle complete with sugar and added junk, then no. If you’re drinking brewed green tea from a teabag, then yes. It has antioxidants, which are good for you. It has a small amount of caffeine which is an appetite suppressant (but a small amount a day is good, don’t go crazy with the coffee or you’ll just end up dizzy all day). It also provides you with more fluids. Water does wonders when trying to lose weight. It is important to detox when losing weight because fat cells can store toxins you ingest. As always, diet and exercise combo is the best way to lose weight. Here’s a bit of help to point you in the right direction. Yahoo! Health has a lot of useful information.–18521.html
Can Drinking Tea Lose Weight and if so what kind is the best?
A: It only helps you lose weight because you are not drinking pop or other sugary drinks. I would drink any real brewed unsweetened iced tea. Woman should be careful because drinking lots of tea with meals, because tea can block absorption of iron.
Does drinking Green tea helps you lose weight?
Q: If i drink only green tea and water every day and eat very little food like only fruits and veggies, and a little rice and not exercise at all can i lose 25 pounds fast?? In like 3 months?
A: Definitely. Tea won’t make much of a difference, but if you exercise a lot, and eat little, then you can healthily lose 2 lbs a week.
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