Do diet pills work

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Do diet pills work”,you can compare them.

Many have the short term affects of losing body fat. Other short term affects can be diarrhea, indigestion and other gastrointestinal problems. Though most haven’t been proved safe and effective. Long-term affects are not known yet. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do diet pills work
I have been through it all and know what’s it about. The main thing is to stick in there. You can’t be an addict to food and never exercise if you want to live a healthy life and keep the weight off. I’ve worked out, done every diet, and al…
Besides being risky to your health, diet pills are not a permanent solution to controlling your weight, Berg says. The members of the FDA advisory committee agree, commenting at their recent meeting that almost all consumers who take appeti…
Anything with ephdra and caffine in it. It’s hard to find now a days but if you search the internet you could find some forgein site that sells them.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do diet pills actually work?
Q: How do diet pills work or does its job when it goes into our bodies, to make us “lose” weight? Are there side effects and is it harmful to our bodies? It sounds to good to be true because by just taking a pill and losing weight from it.
A: ephedra used to work before they pulled it from the market because it was essentially speed so it gave you a lot of energy and boosted your metabolism and made you not hungry. But it caused a lot of heart problems in people.the new fat-blocker alli works by blocking fat, but that means that if you eat too much, your poop is so oily that you have anal leakage. which is disgusting and embarassing.and all the other crap on the market is just that…crap that doesn’t work. the only way it works is through the placebo effect and the power of postive thinking. they’re basically a multivitamin and a caffeine pill.
What diet pills work the best without having to do much or a diet?
Q: I just had a baby and trying to lose some weight before my husband gets back from Iraq 🙂 I dont have much time to diet or work out but I try at time and do try and watch what I eat if I even have the time to. Please help me out as much as you can…thanks so much!
A: I would suggest just proper diet and exersize, because if you are still breastfeeding your baby, the chemicals in the weightloss pills could be ridiculously harmful to your baby, also, there is NO TELLING what they put in those pills. Congratulations on your husband coming home, God Bless him for serving his country. My husband just came back in May and though he was injured, it was the happiest day of my life to see him alive!Good luck and God bless!
What’s the best way to lose weight? Do diet pills work?
Q: I just turned 20, I’ve been overweight all my life. I exercise at home because I dont have time to go to the gym. Sometimes I dont even have time to work out. I never used diet pills and never had a steady diet.What are the things I should do while using pills?
A: Try the lil jack workout Christmas
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