How many calories are in a Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Bagel Meal at McDonald’s

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories are in a Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Bagel Meal at McDonald’s”,you can compare them.

McDonald’s Bacon, Egg And Cheese Bagel (no Sauce) has the totals of 520 calories, 200 from fat. Thank you for choosing ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories are in a Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Bagel Meal at McDonald’s
How many calories are there in bacon…how about a scrambled egg??
life’s too short. just eat =) and afterwards just excercise lol.
How many calories in BACON?
One slice is usually around 70 calories.
How many calories does a slice of bacon have?
One slice of pork bacon has about 286 calories. The “problem” is not in the number of calories, though, it’s in the amount of fat. About 10% of the calories come from the fat. Eat 1 slices of bacon for breakfast, and even though i…

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A: maybe 500 calories. bacon? egg? and cheeseburger? plus the condiments and the bread? no. it think more than 500.
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