Do energy drinks work

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Do energy drinks work”,you can compare them.

With the amount of sugar and caffeine in energy drinks, yes, they seem to work wonderfully. Keep on ChaCha-ing, text 242242! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do energy drinks work
Yeah. Like some others I get the franticness occasionally, and if I do Red Bull the whole heart thing – very unpleasant. To be honest a multi-vitamin drink designed “for hectic lifestyles” like Berocca works best for me. They are …
Yea they work for awhile but acouple weeks ago on the news they were talking about how energy drinks raise your blood pressure really high and could cause problems if you drink them daily. There is tea they sale in stores that can give you …
Anonymous wrote: i know, but this thing is an intense 7 hour thing, so i can’t afford to crash. do those 5 hour energy things work at all? I don’t know. Test it out before the tryouts to see.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How bad are energy drinks when you work out?
Q: Ohk so i drink a ton of water, work out and eat healthy. Though i like to drink energy drinks like Full Throttle, Jolt, and Red Bull (those are the only ones i drink). Are they actually that bad for you i mean if you stay active and drink water. What about sugar-free Red Bull? Any thoughts or suggestions or advice? Please have a reason behind your answer. Support it please and be informative i really need to know if i should continue you or not.
A: Setting cliches like “pain is weakness leaving the body” amongst others aside, the human body is an amazing creation. We feel tired when we over-exert ourselves. Basically it is your body telling you “hey! I need some rest” so, if you rely on caffeinated energy drinks to give you the motivation/propulsion to go, then in my personal oppinion you’re not giving your body the rest it needs. Here’s my my personal view on this. Most fitness trainers and coaches try to develope vascularization in the athlete they are coaching in order to facilitate the movement of:1. oxygen and fuel to the muscles/tissues2. carbon dioxide and other metabolites from muscles/tissues3. nutrients needed to heal the body4. waste products after the workout from the tissues In order to develope the vascularization the body needs rest and plenty of it. How does you average energy drink affect this process? 1. being “over-alert” decreases your recuperation time2. caffeine causes vaso constriction (blood vessles get narrower)3. caffeine also is a diuretic (you lose not only water which will lead to dehydration, but also the electrolytes and minerals the body needs such as magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus and potassium)4. with all the stimulants in those drinks you will lose the ability to relax your muscles well enough to facilitate recuperation. Back to the recuperation and rest subject. Decreased rest can lead to cardiovascular problems, not only with cholesterol, arteriosclerosis and such but failure of your natural “pacemaker” of your heart. I saw this happen to a guy I know, he had a heart attack and was resuccitated twice during an all out anaerobic threshold run workout. When the doctors did the artey bypass to implant the pacemaker they noticed how clean his arteries where. He was a health nut…which kept his cholestrol low and blood vessels clean, but what we think it is because he did not partake in needed recuperation he ended up with a sinoatrial node failure (meaning the doctors had to implant an artificial pacemaker in his chest), he led a very rest deprived lifestyle. Brings me to the end of my answer, hope you take care of your recuperation as well as you are taking care of your active lifestyle and nothing beats proper nutrition, hydration and rest.
Why do energy drinks no longer work for me?
Q: I used to drink Monster energy drinks and the biggest can would last me for hours and I would be pumped. After awhile they stopped working and I switched to Red Bull and got even bigger energy boost than I did with Monster. Now when I drink a Red Bull or two it still doesn’t work. Why aren’t they working anymore for me? Is there ANYTHING else out there that will work for me?
A: It is called tolerance the same as idea as alcohol tolerance. If you drink often it takes more and more to get the energy. Be careful because the more you drink the deeper the hole. Eventually if you consume too much caffeine you will overdose. Wean yourself off the energy drinks slowly. If you cut it off cold turkey you can go through some serious withdraw. Believe me I know.
Do energy drinks make you less shy, and help you concentrate on your school work?
Q: Do energy drinks make you less shy, and help you concentrate on your school work?
A: personally? no and no. i find that (sugar free) energy drinks taste good and put me off snacking when i’m on a diet (yeah, i know, not healthy, but still…). mostly, it’s just good advertising
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