Does green tea promote weight loss

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Does green tea promote weight loss”,you can compare them.

It may promote weight loss by stimulating the body to burn calories! Thanks for asking ChaCha! Keep the questions coming in! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does green tea promote weight loss
Does green tea promote weight loss
It may promote weight loss by stimulating the body to burn calories! Thanks for asking ChaCha! Keep the questions coming in!
Does Decaffeinated Green Tea Promote Weight Loss?
・ The caffeine in green tea is derived from alkaloids in the herb, and caffeine as well as theophylline… ・ Green tea can be used as a natural diuretic to help eliminate any excess water weight that you might… ・ Diabetes can cause an ele…
How Does Green Tea Promote Weight Loss?
Scientists have found that drinking this healthy tea will increase the heat production of your body, also called thermogenesis. This effect was first thought to be due to the caffeine content of green tea as caffeine is known for this effec…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does drinking green tea help promote weight loss?
Q: I was wondering does drinking green tea help help you lose weight?Thanks!
A: I found this when I was researching this topic. Apparently, it depends on1. the type of tea (for example, green tea has certain health benefits that teas from flowers (eg rose hip) would not)2. what else is in that tea you are drinking, apart from leaves of Carmellia sinensis (the plant that tea comes from)3. how much you drink. The more you drink, the more full you will feel, and the less you are inclined to eat. Tea itself has no calories so you essentially drink no calories. If you are also less inclined to eat, then you are not eating more calories through the day either.I’ve started on wu yi tea and it’s helped me feel so much better.
Does green tea promote weight loss?
Q: Got these diet pills that are basically green tea extracts and it claims to boost metabolism, give more energy, and curb appetite. Wierd that green tea would do that, anyone know anything about it?
A: Yes it does. Most pills on the market doesn’t even have the active ingredents of the green tea to promote weight loss. Green tea by itself can cause side effects. I would recommend a herbal concentrate to balance things out on the side effects.These links might help.
How many cups of green tea are recommended for weight loss?
Q: I have heard that drinking green tea helps promote weight loss. I am slightly sceptical though. How many cups a day does one have to drink in order for it to work?
A: Green tea does not help you lose weight. If you drink it in massive quantities (10 POTS per day) you will benefit from the antioxidants.I’d rather take a multivitamin with Vitamin E.
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