Does sea salt contain iodine

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Sea salt generally lacks high concentrations of iodine. It is not necessarily a healthful substitute for regular iodized table salt. Thanks for choosing ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does sea salt contain iodine
Does Kosher Salt contain iodine? Does Sea Salt contain iodine??
Kosher salt is just salt. Sea salt may contain iodine and other minerals but it is not added
Are there any studies to back up the claim that there is enough i…?
Can hermit crabs have no iodine sea salt?
No. Crabs need ocean style salt water mixed with products you buy at the pet store. Table salt contains an anti-caking agent which can be harmful. Table salt also lacks the trace metals and minerals that are in the water mix that hermit cra…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does Kosher Salt contain iodine? Does Sea Salt contain iodine?
A: Kosher salt is just salt. Sea salt may contain iodine and other minerals but it is not added
Does sea salt flakes contain iodine?
Q: I know table salts have been iodnized which is recommended by drs. Do sea salt flakes contain this?Are there other sources?
A: some are and some are not..this is one commonly found at the halth food store or section of grocery store that is iodizedI get this brand quite a bit
Does sea salt contain the essential nutrient iodine, like regular table salt?
A: Because sea salt generally lacks high concentrations of iodine, an ion essential for human health, it is not necessarily a healthful substitute for regular iodized table salt, which is usually supplemented with the element, unless another source of dietary iodine is available. Iodized forms of sea salt are now marketed to address this concern. However, unrefined sea salt contains many important minerals that regular iodized table salt does not contain.Sea salt, obtained by evaporating seawater, is used in cooking and cosmetics. Its mineral content gives it a different taste from table salt, which is pure sodium chloride, usually refined from mined rock salt (halite) or from sea salt. Areas that produce specialized sea salt include the Cayman Islands, France, Ireland, Colombia, Sicily, Apulia in Italy, and Maine and Cape Cod in the United States. Generally more expensive than table salt, it is commonly used in gourmet cooking and premium potato chips
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