Does sleep help you grow

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Does sleep help you grow”,you can compare them.

It is during deep sleep that growth hormone does its job to thickening and lengthening. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does sleep help you grow
Does sleep help you grow?
your long bones grow when you sleep genetics and nutrition determine your ultimate height
Does sleep help you to grow taller?
If your bones are still open sleeping will help you grow taller, if the bones are fused, then alone sleeping will not help you grow taller, in this case it is recommended to use ” super-growth height enhancer” natural product on a…
Can exercise,eating health , and sleep help you grow?
Not sure if you’re referring to muscle growth, or bone growth as in your height. As far as bone growth and height, both exercise and nutrition are important part of growth, but it still won’t help you grow anymore than your genes determine …

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A: No, just maintain a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise, and just wait for nature to take its course. However, you do need rest at your age, and I sincerely recommend getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night. This might indeed raise your chances of developement.
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A: Lack of proper sleep, especially REM sleep can reduce normal cell growth. This is particularly true in adolescence. The pituitary gland is at its most active while you sleep and other growth hormone functions occur during sleep as well.Professional body-builders try to get 10 hours of sleep a night because most muscle growth occurs while you’re sleeping.Basically, it would be better for your growth potential to get at least 8 hours of quality sleep a night and up to 10 hours might have a further benefit.
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