Does snorting Adderall do anything to you

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Does snorting Adderall do anything to you”,you can compare them.

Snorting Adderall can be dangerous because of the speed the medication races to your brain. It can also cause weight loss. Thanks! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does snorting Adderall do anything to you
How long does the high from snorting adderall xr last?
Not many people get much of a high from adderall xr last, it all depends on the dosage and your body type. ChaCha again!
How do you snort adderall?
Note: I am NOT recommending this at all but since you asked I feel you should get a serious answer. Adderall comes in two forms: Extended Release tablets and Immediate Release tablets. You should not “snort” the extended release t…
Should I Snort an Adderall Tonight – Forums?
this is sort of late and but i just for your information on any stimulants you won’t get any sleep unless you have something to go against the adderall, ie benzos. toke after you start feeling the benzos to pull you into a drug induced slee…

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Q: lets say you dont have ADD and illegally get adderall, taking it a few times a semester to study for exams (using the advised dose), does this really carry that bad side effects? again, im not sayings snorting or taking mass amounts to stay awake at night or anything, but taking it in the same manner someone with ADHD would take it. aside from legal/unethical blah consequences, what are the side effects of someone taking it as directed who doesn’t have adhd
A: Most medications that are classified as controlled substances have the potential for abuse.In addition, if you are caught with this med in your possessionyou can be arrested if it is not prescribed for you.
How many times do you have to snort pills for it to mess up your nose?
Q: My bestfriend is prescribed to the pill adderall, i think its for adhd or something. He just started snorting it, and he asked me to research just how bad it is for your body, and how many pills you have to snort before it starts to mess anything up. I need any information you have please. Thank You.
A: 1x can cause damage to your nose.
All the facts about adderall…?
Q: What is the high like?How many do you have to snort to acheive this high?How many do you have to snort to mess up your nose/ anything else that may be affected by snorting?What damage can you cause to your body by snorting?What are the long term and short term BAD side affects of taking to many, or overdosing?About how many does it take to overdose?Anything else you feel that i should be informed about im all ears for. Also any reason that i should not be taking this as a recreational drug please feel free to tell me.
A: It’s really addictive! I wouldn’t even do it just because it isn’t even worth the money. If you can get a prescription, I guess I would say go for it ONLY if you did it occasionally. It’s so easy to get hooked and the long-term affects can be really damaging. I’ve heard the high is like taking meth (given you take enough). Sorry I can’t give more info.
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