How do you get rid of cellulite on the stomach

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Combine a healthy diet with regular exercise. Make sure to get essential fatty acids. The fat should melt right off! ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of cellulite on the stomach
How can I get rid of cellulite on my stomach?
Eating healthy is good but still watch for your caloric input vs caloric out put. (how many calories you put on and burn off per day) . If your input is higher than output..weight gain will occur. Have the output higher so you can bur off t…
How to Get Rid of Stomach Cellulite
・ 1 Lose weight. If you lose body fat, you’ll reduce the size of the fat cells that are causing your stomach… ・ 2 Exercise. Cardiovascular exercise will help you to burn calories and lose body fat, thereby helping… ・ 3 Perform abdominal…
What Exercise Can I Do To Tighten My Stomach Muscles And Get Rid …?
I have the same and I now manage to do sit ups. But check with your dr because mine was straight forward. Drinking plenty of water may help but I don’t believe you can get rid of it completely. Check your diet also, some foods make it worse…

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What exercises can I do that will get rid of the pouch of fat on my lower stomach&cellulite on upper thighs?
Q: My top 4 abdominals are flat for the most part and its very easy for me tone them. But i cant get rid of the lower saggy part of my stomach and it drives me crazy! what are some good, effective exercises I can do that will actually work? And what can I do to get rid of the cellulite on the back of my upper thighs? Please help.
A: There are a number of reasons we all have cellulite, some can be influenced and remedied, but others cannot – like genetics and heredity for instance. the good news is that plenty of other factors causing cellulite CAN be addressed (I know, I did IT!), and these are namely not drinking enouh water,poor diet (alcohol, processed foods, lots of caffeine and other toxins), smoking, diet pills, sleeping pills, diuretics, crash diets, and the most importantly – sedentary lifestyle! so getting rid of all these bad habits, and getting started with a solid aerobic excercise regimen will put you on your way to cellulite-free future :)I’ve found that the best excercises are: Lunges, crunches, squats and deadlifts – the last two being quite strenuous (they’re compound – involving multiple muscle groups), so I suggest you do them later in the process, when you’re in better shape!Good luck, let us know how it went!
How do I get rid of fat on the stomach and cellulite on my legs?
Q: My whole life I have been petite… I played sports all throughout high school which kept me in shape. I am still small but I have gained some belly fat and cellulite on my upper legs. I heard that there is really no way to get rid of cellulite but I feel confident that if I find out a way, that I can flatten my tummy again to where it used to be… any ideas?
A: First try dieting and doing lots of cardio a few times a week. If that doesn’t work use this cream to get rid of it
Whats the fastest way to get rid of Cellulite on my stomach?
Q: So Help! I want to get rid of Cellulite on my thighs?
A: 22 Minutes per day is all i need to show you how to get rid of your cellulite forever, If you can’t find 22 minutes in your day then I suggest you make it.
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