How does the slimfast diet work

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How does the slimfast diet work”,you can compare them.

It helps you reduce your calorie intake by providing portion control along with good nutrition. Replace, combine, dine & snack! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does the slimfast diet work
How Does Slim Fast Diet Work
The Slimfast diet consists of meal bars, dietary shakes and powders which you have to add to your current diet. These bars, shakes and powders contain a number of essential vitamins and minerals, along with fat and complex carbohydrates and…
Would the “slimfast diet” work for me??
As most say No diet works lol but I’ve worked with the elderly a lot and some of their doctor’s have put them on slimfast to help them gain weight. Surprised me too!
Does the slimfast diet work?
Quote: hiya, ive lost nealy 2 stone on it since about march time..but it is hard work, makes you feel sluggish and you need to make sure you exercise too otherwise you wont see any results xx Well done on your weightloss – god knows how you…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Slimfast diet, does it work?
Q: Okay so obviously I am unhappy with my body since I am wanting to start a diet, I can’t join a gym as much as I’d love to, but can’t afford it. I don’t make a lot of money but make enough and thought about just buying Slimfast drinks instead of regular food. If I drank nothing but that instead of eating would that actually cause me to lose weight? Does Slimfast work at all or is it really for just losing a few pounds cause I want to lose more than just a few.
A: Hi there =]Yes, it does work. Both of my parents lost an immense amount of weight in a very reasonable amount of time and never gained it back! My mom lost about 60lbs and my dad 100lbCheck out their website so that you can customize your program along with marking your progress! Make sure that you are also drinking a lot of water and eating healthy nutrients (not just eating a slimfast bar and then a cupcake) or else it won’t workKeep in mind that it has to be a diet that matches YOUR lifestyle, so it might not work for you as well as others.
Does the slimfast diet shakes really work for losing weight.?
A: They do if you follow the regimen. What’s especially good about them is that they give you the vitamins and minerals that you miss by dieting (not eating enough) so you don’t get sick or unhealthy.
Does the Slimfast diet work? Anyone have any success stories?
Q: I’m about to try and lose weight again and I’m considering trying Slimfast. Does it work? If so, how much did/can you lose in say, a week or a month? Thanks for the answers. Any rude/mean comments will be reported promptly. Thanks. ;]
A: Slimfast is great if you are a compulsive snacker or overeater. It definitely keeps your appetite down.
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