How many calories are in a Mt Dew

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories are in a Mt Dew”,you can compare them.

An 8 ounce serving of Mountain Dew has 110 calories, 0 grams of fat, 31 grams of sugar, 31 carbs and 37 milligrams of caffeine. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories are in a Mt Dew
How many calories are there in a mt. Dew?
To find out how many calories are in almost anything, visit and click on “Search our Huge Food Database.” You can even search by brand (i.e., a Burger King Whopper). This site will also tell you what yo…
How many teaspoons of sugar does a can of mountain dew have??
11.5 teaspoons per 12 oz serving.
How many calories are in a 20 oz can of Mountain Dew??
20 ounces of Mountain Dew contains 275 calories.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how many calories are there in a mt. Dew?
A: To find out how many calories are in almost anything, visit and click on “Search our Huge Food Database.” You can even search by brand (i.e., a Burger King Whopper).This site will also tell you what you have to do to burn off those calories you just ingested.
How many grams of sugar,calories,and caffeine are in a can of Coke, Dr.Pepper, Mt.Dew, Sprite, Pepsi and 7 up?
A: CaloriesCoke-140Dr. Pepper-150Mt. Dew-275Sprite-150Pepsi-1607 up-160Sugar-Coke-39 gramsDr. Pepper-38 gramsMt. Dew-46.5 gramsSprite-39 gramsPepsi- 41 grams7 up- 43 gramsCaffeine-Coke-35 mg.Dr. Pepper-42 mg.Mt. Dew-71 mg.Sprite-0 mg.Pepsi-38 mg.7 up-0 mg.(
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