How many calories is banana nut bread

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A typical loaf of homemade banana nut bread can range from 2500 to 3700 calories. Measuring by 12 fairly small slices per loaf, the calories in one slice of banana nut bread range from 210-300. It sounds yummy! ChaCha back soon. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories is banana nut bread
A consistent crowd-pleaser, banana nut bread is popular among home cooks and a common bakery item. The calories found in banana nut bread can vary greatly with the type and amount of each ingredient used as well as the size of the slice. A …
My name is Christine Marquette and I am a Registered and Licensed Dietitian with The Austin Regional Clinic and I have been asked how many calories are in banana nut bread. Now this can vary depending on whether it is home made banana nut b…
The amount of calories in banana nut bread vary depending on the ingredients used. Reduce the calorie level in homemade banana nut bread by reducing the amount of nuts and margarine used withadvice from a registered and licensed dietitian i…

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Banana nut bread recipe modification?
Q: I want to make this recipe healthier in terms of calories and less fat. The ingredients are as follows:2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour1/2 cup granulated sugar1/2 cup brown sugar3 ripe bananas3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder1 teaspoon salt3 Tablespoons vegetable oil1/3 cup milk1 egg1/2 cup walnutsI’m pretty sure I can substitute the 3 Tablespoons vegetable oil with 3 Tablespoons applesauce. I can eliminate the salt, I’m pretty sure.What else can you recommend?
A: 3 TB. of oil for an entire bread is hardly any fat at all, per serving; and the salt is miniscule too. You could substitute up to 3/4 c. of the flour with wheat flour though; and could substitute Splenda for the sugar. You can also use plain yogurt instead of the milk. Otherwise, this isn’t an UNhealthy recipe!
how many calories have i had today?
Q: im usually really healthy but today was my unhealthy day (rare once every 6 months) and i kind of went unhealthy. :(haha welli did walk a total of 4 miles today !(to school and back) well breakfast–water..bananalike half a cup of nut and caramel crunchy nut clusters with 2% skimmed organic milk. lets say 200ml of milklunch-peanut butter and jelly sandwich on wholemeal bread (like 2 slices)baked regular flavored crisps ohh and i remember it said 98 calories on the packet.a nectarine 🙂 yumalso 500ml of water (says on the bottle i didnt measure it ! lol)snack when i came homethis is the pig out moment haha-well i hadd 6 small plumsand i think theres 30 calories per small plumand i had a cadburys dairy milk fruit and nut lolly thing (the one on the stick) wait let me go check how many calories that was i still have the box. be rightt back..omg! 255! dannnnnnnnnnng! hahawell i also had a jam doughnut. and glass of waterhahaha wow i sound like such a fatty. but im nott! lol im only 14! 🙂 but that doesnt mean i dont have the right to know how many calories i have had. im not tooo young.i want to knoww! 🙂 ok yeah and dinnerboiled water (wash away the fat)small pizza .i think i have the box with the amount of calories… hmm BLOODY H***!462!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ok wowim over itphewww aalmost lost my coolcant loose something you dont havehahahhahaaoh wait. i just insulted myself.!well i also had 2-3 spoons of pea’s. so how many calories have i had today??and how many calories have i burned by my 4 mile walk? thanks!
A: Why don’t you try looking at the calories on the boxes and write them down throughout the day. Then add them up at the end and you’ll know.I don’t know about the walk, I guess it all depends on your weight or how many calories you’ve consumed before hand.Just eat everything in moderation and you won’t need to worry about calories.=]
what are some vegan multi-vitamins (brands i can find at a walmart?)?
Q: So I’m vegetarian, but eat vegan on most days [but about once a week I’ll have some soy cheese that isn’t dairy free,I’m planning to switch to a dairy free soy cheese next time i get some..for the mean time I’m vegetarian] I eat of fruits, veggies, cereal, oatmeal, peanut butter, nuts, raisins, whole wheat bread, green tea, low fat soy milk, whole wheat pasta, home made vegan banana bread, beans and some “meat substitutes”(smart dogs, boca burgers, etc] sometimes.Well I’m 14 and sometimes i tend to have a problem not eating enough calories. and the only foods i was wondering if it’s a good idea to take a multi-vitamin, and which one is vegan that i can buy at wal-mart?oh and I’m kind of confused on this multi vitamin thing..does that mean that one vitamin a day contains ALL the nutrients i need so that i don’t have to worry about getting iron, b12 from cereal, etc..cause anything i eat that day is just EXTRA since I’ve already got the vitamins i need? Please explain..thanks!<3to Bitter Bats:Ohhhh trust I have done my re-search, and know everything i NEED and where to get it, i just don’t always eat so much of what i know i need, and i have read that book, it’s good but nothing i didn’t know before :]thanks anyways!can someone please answer my question and give me the actual brands, etc???!! =]
A: I do know some of Member’s Mark’s vitamins contain no animal products… These include Natural Vitamin C with Rose Hips, Calcium Magnesium & Zinc, and Vitamin B Complex.Their flax seed oil supplement does contain animal products.I think these vitamins are available at Walmart, but if not, they are at Sam’s.
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