How many calories per gram is fat

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories per gram is fat”,you can compare them.

Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories per gram is fat
How many calories per gram does fat have and why?
fats=9 calories per gram
Do fats, carbohydrates, protein and alcohol all have the same num…?
No. Fat is the most expensive calorically at nine calories per gram; then alcohol at seven calories per gram. Carbohydrates and protein both have four calories per gram. Total calories are nothing more than a combination of the fats, carboh…
Can I eat this hummus that has 70 calories per tablespoon, and 5 …?
When I learned how to calculate the fat percentage in foods I was obviously in the United States. Several people have brought it to my attention that in some other countries, the calories from fat are not always on the label. This hummus is…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many Calories per gram are there in protien, carbohydrates, and fat?
Q: (This is for a health test)(:
A: 4 cal/g carbs4 cal/g proteins9 cal/g fats
Is there a correlation between high calories and the amount of fat or sugar?
Q: Is there a correlation between high calories and the amount of fat or sugar? Which has more calories per gram fat or carbohydrates?
A: Yes. When sugars or fats are “burned,” they produce many more Calories than an equivalent mass of protein. This is primarily because of the high percentage of hydrogen atoms. Since fats have more hydrogens per gram than carbohydrates, they also provide more Calories.
When calculating calories and fat I know i go per serving on calories but what about fat grams.?
Q: For example if I choose to have 2 servings and it is 100 calories per serving and 2 fat grams would it equal out to 200 calories and 2 fat grams or 200 calories and 4 fat grams. Also do you have to include the other fats besides the norm for when monitering a diet?
A: On the nutrition facts the listing is usually PER SERVING, thats for calories AND fat grams. … So if you eat 2 servings you need to double both the calories and the fat. You should watch out for transfats. Those are the fats that clog your arteries!
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