How many eggs can a person eat per week

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many eggs can a person eat per week”,you can compare them.

As long as you don’t have high cholesterol, you can eat as many eggs as you want, just don’t fry them. ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many eggs can a person eat per week
What is the danger of eating too many eggs? how nany should a per…?
it is pretty difficult to eat too many eggs. This is like eating too much bread or too much meat. The danger? You may gain weight if you over eat. Otherwise, go for it. I’m restocking on my eggs tomorrow!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many eggs per week is ok for a person to eat who does not eat fish or meat?
Q: I don’t eat meat at all and rarely eat fish (maybe once or twice a month). I have about a glass of milk everyday as well. How many eggs should I eat per week? I love eggs and currently eat one per day. Is it ok?
A: i think the average balanced diet allows like 6 a week. but if your not getting protein from meat then i would think you could quite comfortably exceed that. but if i wer you id consult a dietitian. just to be sure.
What is the danger of eating too many eggs? how nany should a person eat per week?
A: whats too many? I eat about a dozen a week…
how many eggs per week a normal person should eat?
A: I’ve heard that 3 a week should be the limit, espically if you have chlorestoral problems.
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