What is a good diet for a 16 year-old girl

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Use a food pyramid that’s actually based on the latest and best science. 1. Start with exercise. A healthy diet is built on (more) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-diet-for-a-16-year%26%2345%3Bold-girl ]
More Answers to “What is a good diet for a 16 year-old girl
What’s a good diet for a 16 year old girl?
16 year olds shouldn’t think about dieting, just exercise and it will come off. Then try to make healthier choices, substitute grapes for chips, carrots and apples for candy bars, etc. Substitution, plus lots of water and exercise will work…
Is this a healthy diet for a 16 year old girl?
Yes, depending on wither or not your getting the proper nutrition Thur this diet. Most likely, to a degree. Try putting more dairy and water in your diet! Also, dont forget that you can survive a candy bar or bowl of ice cream every once in…
What are some safe diet pills for a 16 year old girl??
I have been through it all and know what’s it about. The main thing is to stick in there. You can’t be an addict to food and never exercise if you want to live a healthy life and keep the weight off. I’ve worked out, done every diet, and al…

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good diet for a 16 year old girl?
Q: i plan on losing about 10 pounds and want to know what’s a healthy diet for a girl my age. if you could give examples of what food or what diet program is best, that would be great. thanks!
A: There’s two ways you could go and I think either way will work for you. First of all, my best suggestion is to learn to eat healthy. http://www.easy-weightloss-tips.com/eat-healthy.htmlThat means understand the food pyramid, the food groups, the recommended servings, etc. That is how you should eat for life! If you eat that way and have 3 small, healthy meals a day and 2 small, healthy snacks, you will lose weight. Each meal should be less than 400 calories and each snack should be about 100-150 calories. Eating highly nutritious foods is the key, so think in terms of lean protein, veggies, whole-grains, fruits, low-fat dairy, and heart-healthy oils.The second option is to do a short-term “drastic diet” that is designed to last for 2 weeks max. This would take off the most weight rapidly. There are several on the site under “Diet Plans” but my favorite is the 5-4-3-2-1 diet. http://www.easy-weightloss-tips.com/5-4-3-2-1diet.htmlYou get to pick what you eat, but you’re going to want to pick highly nutritious foods to keep your metabolism working efficiently. Again, the “eat healthy” page can help you determine what highly nutritious foods are, if you need help with that. If you go on the short-term diet, then once it’s over, follow the guidelines on the “eat healthy” page. Make water your main source of hydration and save the sweet drinks (even diet) for special occasions. Eliminate as much salt and sugar from your diet as you can.The biggest component to fast weight loss is going to be your workout. You will want to make sure you do a good (30 minute minimum) cardio workout every day for weight loss (3 times a week is sufficient to maintain health). Activities that use the large leg muscles burn the most calories. These activities also tone the lower body quite effectively. Think in terms ofpower walking, jogging, biking, skating, swimming laps, jumping rope, dancing, racquetball, and jumping jacks. To make sure that you’re burning fat, you need to be sweating and huffing and puffing. In addition, do some good stretches and some strength training. http://www.easy-weightloss-tips.com/target-exercises.htmlYou’ll find some really good information on the website, including about five pages of weight loss tips, printable weight loss journal pages, printable exercise log sheets, motivational ideas, healthy recipes, etc.Good luck!
What would a good diet for a 5’3″, 150lbs, 16-year-old girl be?
Q: I really want to lose weight over the summer but I have never been able to find an actual diet that works. I play tennis and have acces to a pool, which means I can pretty much do thoes everyday, including running, but in terms of eating, I don’t know what to eat and portions.
A: If you find an answer please tell me. I am 5’2″ 155 lbs and 23. I have been going to the gym for almost 3 months now, and have only lost 5 lbs. I have been told though that at first you will loose very little and then after like 4 months it will just start pouring off of you. I had a baby that is why I am a little over weight, and I am still breastfeeding, so I eat up to 2,000 calories a day. For you though I would suggest no more than 1,500. Try to eat salmon, chicken, rice, veggies, and fruit.Oh!I saw this video on y.answers and this guy recommends that you eat 2 raw veggies before each meal and then eat. Meaning you should be eating 6 small meals a day 3-4 hours apart. He said after you eat your 2 raw veggies, then choose a meal that is between 150—300 calories dependent upon how hungry you are after that. So far it is working for me. I am eating bell peppers.I suggest finding a raw veggie that you enjoy a lot, cuz if you choose the wrong one it could get tiring.Good luck!
what would be a great diet for a 16 year old girl –best answer gets 10 points?
Q: what would be a good diet for a 16 year old girl…please be specific with what in particular will work well.she is: 160 lbs and 5’4″ tall.a certain diet and certain exercise?there are a lot of great diets out there but keep in mind food preparation and going to school… thanks!10 POINTS!
A: Well when I was a 5’4” 160 lb 16-year-old boy, this is what worked for me:Start by eating lower-fat, lean proteins. Try to eat more fiber like fruits and greens. Eat low fat, for about a week. Don’t eat salads or any of those shenanigans: Just go low fat, lean protein.After that week, bump up your carb intake. If your carb intake is already at your DV or above your DV then keep doing what you’re doing, but start doing easy/moderate exercising–walking or jogging a few miles, for example. Then do stretches afterwards to help keep your joints healthy. Try and do about an hour to two of physical activity every other day, or about half an hour minimum each day (unless it’s muscles, in which case, every other day).Bump up your calcium intake while maintaining a low saturated-fat intake. You can do this by drinking soy milk, skim milk, or taking supplements.The crux of the matter is, dieting alone does nothing. Living a balanced lifestyle involves both eating healthy and moderately exercising. I managed to lose 30 pounds in 4 or 5 months.
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