How many energy drinks would you have to drink in a day to die

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One can of Red Bull contains 80mg of caffeine – equivalent to one cup of coffee. Ross Cooney died after he shared 4 cans… More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many energy drinks would you have to drink in a day to die
Is having one monster energy drink a day bad for you??
Well, in the near future no. but theres a possibility you could develop heart conditions later in life
How many energy drinks do you drink a day?
i don’t drink any i am hyper as it is lol
How much Want More Energy?™ can I drink per day??
As a general guideline, we recommend you drink no more than two packets a day. *Results may vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Isagenix products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how many energy drinks can you drink without dieing ?
Q: how many energy drinks can you drink in a day without dieing and only those who actually know replay or are pretty sure like how many before you twitch out
A: One can kill you!You may be just as safe playing Russian roulette!I know someone personally that had to be taken to the hospital E.R. after drinking one.Read more at the wikipedia links below.
How many people die from energy drinks every year?
Q: If you don’t have a good answer than don’t write crap. retards.thanks, have a nice day(this is including the whole world)I know that some athletes had died from drinking redbull then exercising
A: SOUTHINGTON – Take a walk through the cafeteria at either of the town’s middle schools or the high school during lunch period and you’re bound to see at least a few black cans with brightly colored green, blue or purple claw marks on the side.The cans contain one of the fastest-growing energy drinks among young people: Monster Energy. The product is the drink of choice at school, particularly for the “cool” kids in each grade.”It tastes good and you see others bring it in, so you think to yourself, ‘Well, I’ll bring it in if they like it too,'” said Ryan Boulanger, an 8th-grader at DePaolo Middle School. “Some students will bring it in almost every day.”Nicholas L’Heureux, friend and classmate of Boulanger, drinks Monster about once a week, he said, or whenever he can convince his parents to buy it for him. Boulanger and classmates Peter Deobuono and Bria Parisi say they drink it a lot less, but only because they don’t have access to it every day.Loaded with caffeine and natural supplements including guarana, taurine and L-carnitine, the drink is advertised with the phrase “unleash the beast.” Students say the appeal is the feeling they get from drinking it.Advertisement After consuming one 16-ounce can, which contains 160 mg of caffeine, Parisi said, she feels “hyper.”Boulanger describes it as “instant gratification.””If you were to walk in the cafeteria and offer kids in our school a Monster, I don’t know anyone who would turn it down,” Parisi said.You can find students drinking several other types of energy drinks, including power and energy shots. In fact, energy drink consumption has increased dramatically in the last year – rising by 49 percent, according to the Web site and several soft-drink market reports.It doesn’t hurt that many of these drinks have savvy marketing strategies. Take the product Amp for example, launched recently by Pepsi.The company is featuring popular NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. in its advertising campaign for Amp. Since last March, Pepsi has spent more than $10 million on marketing for the drink.Although these drinks represent less than one percent of the overall soft drink market, parents and school ad-ministrators are concerned about the health effects on adolescents.The administrative team at Kennedy Middle School took action earlier this year after learning that students may have been reselling the drinks in the hallways. DePaolo Assistant Principal Christopher Palmieri said the school does not allow students to have the product outside the cafeteria while school is in session, a policy that is in place at both middle and high schools.”We try and teach the children to look at the labels and make responsible choices. Energy drinks are not a product we endorse,” Southington School Lunch Director Nya Welinsky said.Nor are the products endorsed by the schools’ medical adviser, Dr. George Skarvinko. He said that aside from the caffeine, the drinks contain an excessive amount of sugar and unnecessary amounts of natural supplements.Skarvinko said caffeine reacts differently in everyone, but does carry several potentially dangerous side effects, including irregular sleeping patterns and heart palpitations. It can also act as a diuretic, causing more trips to the bathroom. Taken in large quantities, it can lead to dehydration.Teen’s Health, a parent guide found at, also reports that excessive use of caffeine can lead to calcium deficiency, anxiety problems and can even increase the chances of heart problems or osteoporosis.Consumption of caffeine isn’t healthy, but Skarvinko said it isn’t likely to cause long-term effects. More dan-gerous than the caffeine, he said, are the supplements.”There is nothing natural about them,” Skarvinko said. “Among the other effects caused by caffeine, these can lead to other more serious side effects, including hormonal imbalance and vaginal bleeding.”A study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology in March 2006 shows that these supplements can have both positive and negative effects. Guarana is rich in caffeine and can improve memory and mood but when mixed with simple medications like aspirin, can cause excessive bleeding and conditions such as vaginal bleeding.Taurine, on the other hand, has proven beneficial to the heart, but when used excessively can cause the hormonal imbalance Skarvinko talked about.The supplements also enhance the addiction caused by the caffeine and, if not taken regularly, can lead to se-vere headaches and other pain. The addiction can become as strong as that to substances such as tobacco, according to the negatives of these drinks have been shown in several studies and reports, Skarvinko noted that there has not been a credible study released that actually supports the claim that energy drinks themselves, and not just the individual supplements, actually provide any re
Is it true that energy drinks can make you die early? I am 13?
Q: I am 13 and drink energy drinks almost every day. my freinds say that it will make me die early and that it can stunt your growth.
A: well i know that they are really bad for u but thats all i know
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