What does carbination do to you

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What does carbination do to you”,you can compare them.

Carbonation is known to kill bacteria that may cause infection in your stomach. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-carbination-do-to-you ]
More Answers to “What does carbination do to you
Is carbination bad for your health?
Carbination is only carbon dioxide, which your body produces naturally in exhalation. The other ingredients of sodas are bad for you: sugar and acids. J
What happens if you drink carbination?
My doctor advises his patients not to ever drink carbonated beverages again because they can stretch the pouch above the band (that includes beer). As for me, I am not much of a drinker to begin with, so not drinking wine or other alcohol i…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there an energy drink that does not have carbination?
Q: I had stomach surgery and I can’t have carbination. I love to stop at Dunkin Donuts in the am’s for a big iced coffee with lots of cream and suger. I am not losing weight though, so I need to stop drinking those 1200 calorie drinks in the am. I love red bull, but now that I can’t have carbination, what will give me a wake up kick in the morning? Please help!
A: Quite a few. One that comes to mind is Energy 69 but there’s also Energade and a few others.
Does soda lose it carbination faster at hot or cold tempatures?
Q: Does cock a cola lose its carbonation faster at hot or cold tempatures?
A: Carbonation escapes faster at higher temperatures. So hot would be the right answer.
what happens when a bottle of soda loses carbination?
Q: if i freeze soda, what happens when it thaws and the carbination is gone? how will it taste?oh okay, well (its mountain dew btw) how different would that taste? i mean, some soda can go flat and still not taste all that bad but how FLAT will it rlly go? like reallllyyy flat? or just flat?
A: flat!
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