How many liters of water should I have a day

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The Institute of Medicine advises that men consume roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day and women consume 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many liters of water should I have a day
How many liters of water should i drink per day ?
a general rule is 8 glasses of water a day. but this may vary greatly to where you are in the world and what conditions you’re under. If the weather’s fairly hot or if you’re very active, you can lose up to a pint of water every hour. Not e…
How many liters of water should i drink in one day?
That amount varies for every individual. Just drink enough so that your pee is almost colorless or just slightly yellow. If it’s really dark and you are thirsty a lot, drink more.
When I drink the recommended amount of water, I urinate extremely…?
The extreme urge to urinate will pass, if you let it. See, your body needs a certain amount of water to function, and when you haven’t been giving it fresh clean water on a regular basis, it has to hold on to whatever it has- which is usual…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many liters of water should i drink per day ?
Q: How many liters of water should i drink per day ?
A: a general rule is 8 glasses of water a day. but this may vary greatly to where you are in the world and what conditions you’re under. If the weather’s fairly hot or if you’re very active, you can lose up to a pint of water every hour. Not enough water in your system can be the start of numerous problems. you can never have too much water. any excess just gets flushed out of your system (and it takes some toxins with along with it).
How many liters of water should we drink in a day ?
Q: How many liters of water should we drink in a day ?
A: A couple of approaches attempt to approximate water needs for the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate. * Replacement approach. The average urine output for adults is 1.5 liters a day. You lose close to an additional liter of water a day through breathing, sweating and bowel movements. Food usually accounts for 20 percent of your total fluid intake, so if you consume 2 liters of water or other beverages a day (a little more than 8 cups) along with your normal diet, you will typically replace the lost fluids. * Dietary recommendations. The Institute of Medicine advises that men consume roughly 3.0 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day and women consume 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day.Even apart from the above approaches, it is generally the case that if you drink enough fluid so that you rarely feel thirsty and produce between one and two liters of colorless or slightly yellow urine a day, your fluid intake is probably adequate.
How many liters of water a day should I drink to lose some weight?
A: One.
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