What is High triglycerides

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Triglycerides are a type of fat found in your blood. They are a major source of energy and the most common type of fat in your body. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-high-triglycerides ]
More Answers to “What is High triglycerides
What causes High triglycerides?
Causes of High triglycerides: see causes of High triglycerides Risk factors for High triglycerides: see risk factors for High triglycerides
What causes high triglycerides?
LDL and triglycerides are not the same thing, but if one is high, the other one is too (usually). Triglycerides are fat that is immediately stored after you eat food/ fat. If your diet contains high fat foods or if you are overweight/obese,…
How to Lower High Triglycerides
・ 1 Lower your intake of simple sugars and grain products. These foods have a negative effect on insulin… ・ 2 Eat green, leafy vegetables. These types of vegetables have a low glycemic index, which does not have… ・ 3 Exercise. Cardiovas…

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What is a good diet specifically to lower high triglycerides?
Q: I have high triglycerides. Everything else is normal. So, can someone provide me a good site or list of daily foods/drinks and how much of each?Thanks.
A: You really should read Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s books Eat For Life and Eat To Live.Check out this link to see the success that others have had by doing what Dr. Fuhrman suggests: http://www.drfuhrman.com/library/article14.aspx
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A: Cholesterol is a form of lipid that controls the fluidity of cell membranes. The two biggest determinants of cholesterol are heredity and saturated fat in the diet.Trigylcerides are a form of storing energy as a lipid. High carbohydrates like alcohol, sugars, grains will raise triglycerides. Poorly controlled diabetes will also increase triglycerides. Exercise actually doesn’t change triglycerides that much. I would cut down on alcohol and simple sugars and stick with complex carbs like whole grains. Omega 3 fatty acid supplements (at least 3 grams per day) will also lower trigylcerides.You can see a dietitian for more personalized advice.
How do I lower high triglycerides acids in my medical reports ASAP?
Q: How do I lower high triglycerides acids in my medical reports ASAP? Please help!
A: Immediately reduce or stop your consumption of alcohol and stop eating all kinds of fatty foods especially fried foods, start working our with high intensity training systems like Qi Train 21 Read abt it here please take care of your healthhttp://www.qitrain21.com/
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