How many monsters can you drink per day

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many monsters can you drink per day”,you can compare them.

Limit 3 cans per day to be safe. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many monsters can you drink per day
Is one lo-carb monster energy drink consumed per day in the morni…?
yes, any energy drink is bad for you.
How many nos energy drinks can u drink in a day or monsters/redbu…?
If you don’t have any intrinsic heart problems, you’re probably ok. However, we did have a teen boy come in to the ER after drinking 5 Red Bulls over a 2 hour time, which is only 400mg caffeine (your 3 Monsters have 480mg). He was in a hear…
Am i going to die if i drink one monster a day.??
Indirectly, along with other health problems, it could contribute to kidney failure. And any energy drink can contribute to ulcers. However, unless you are having kidney problems you should be fine in that department. And, If you don`t have…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Drinking 12 monsters per day is bad for you…right?
Q: Okay so i know this guy. He is one of my best friends and he likes to drink 12 monsters…. everyday, literally!! ive tried to tell him that its bad for him, but he doesn’t believe me!! so i need your help, is drinking 12 monsters every day bad for you??ps. he is 14, but is going to be 15 soon!well thanks for taking your time, and please help me!! (:
A: So lets average that monster is like $2.50 a can but usually 2/$3 at most gas stations.Thats 2 divided into 12.Thats six.Six multiplied by three is 18.So he spends anywhere from 18 to up to thirty dollars a day.So he gets that money everyday and spends it all on Monsters.And gradually drinks them through out the day.K thats bullshit.He probably drinks like 1-2 a day, maybe.In which case yeah, its not that healthy to ingest that much sugar on a daily basis.
my friend drinks at least 2 monsters per day were trying to make her stop, are we right by doing this?
Q: my friend is constntly drinking energy drinks, sometimes she will have 2 a day( the 16 ounce) but lately she’s been having the huge ones. she goes crazy if she doesnt have one at least everyday im worried about her. i think shes addicted will anyone please give me thier own opinion about this situation..shes only 14 and she’s small so will they kill her faster????
A: yes i think your right by doing this. if you think its best for her then do it.if she was my friend i would do the same thing.
Is it bad to drink 1 energy drink per day?
Q: I love Rockstars, Monsters, Red Bulls, etc. and i was wondering if i jus had 1 drink a day would it b tht bad 4 me.
A: no…caffeine is good for your wang…drink more
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