How much weight can you lose by throwing up

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How much weight can you lose by throwing up”,you can compare them.

Eating and throwing up is a disease called Bulimia. By throwing up you starve your body thus losing weight. Worst way to lose!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much weight can you lose by throwing up
How to Lose Weight Without Exercising
・ 1 You should consume a well balanced diet consisting of 4 servings of healthy carbs, 2 servings of dairy… ・ 2 Start your day off right with breakfast. Eating early in the morning reeves up your metabolism and… ・ 3 In the first month o…
How much weight can I lose from throwing up at night??
Making yourself throw up is EXTREMELY dangerous to your health. It can damage your esophagus, stomach, intestines, heart, lungs, teeth, gums, and on and on. It can be fatal. Please get help if you have already been doing this. See the link …
Does Making Yourself Sick Help Lose Weight ?
It can cause you to lose weight. But it’s a pretty unhealthy way to lose weight. And that means it comes at a price (hair loss, tooth loss, etc.), and you’re likely to put the weight right back on when you stop getting sick. So the best way…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how much weight can you lose by throwing up once?
Q: eating a normal diet, how much weight can you lose by throwing up after dinner?I’M NOT BELLIMIC. LOL
A: I’d say I put on 2 or 3 pounds when I eat dinner. (estimate) So I imagine I would lose around that much. I wouldn’t recommend it though.
How much weight do you lose after throwing up?
Q: I ‘ve had the stomach flu, and have thrown up alot. I just kind of wondered how much weight do you lose when you throw up each time? Sorry, just my random mind asking questions again.
A: probably none. but you may lose some from being sick and your body eating your muscle for nutrients (wasting)
why do people lose weight by throwing up after they eat? if theres still calories left in them.?
Q: because im sure they dont throw all what they eat. so why do they lose weight by throwing up?fyi, im not a bulemic. im just having a survey about health problems. 🙂
A: The calories are still in the food that has been vomited. The bad issue with purging, is the damage it does to your teeth. When vomiting, the strong stomach acid moves across the back of your teeth, causing erosion of the teeth. You can’t see it because it is behind your teeth. These people loose their teeth. It’s kind of hard to see a teenager with false teeth. Everyone will be able to tell they have false teeth.You can safely loose weight by keeping your calorie intake between 1800 to 2000 calories a day. This way will also keep your skin and hair looking healthy.
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