What is the average weight for a 17 year old girl who is 5’7"

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There’s not a good average of what they do weight, but there is a guide for what a healthy weight is for your height. If you have a small frame a healthy weight is 123-136, for medium build 133-147,and for a large build 143-163. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-average-weight-for-a-17-year-old-girl-who-is-5%277%22 ]
More Answers to “What is the average weight for a 17 year old girl who is 5’7"
What is the average weight for a 17 yr old girl who is 5’7″??
According to the CDC stature and weight for age growth chart, at 5’7″ you are at the 90th percentile for height (meaning you are taller than 90% of other 17 year old girls). The 90th percentile for weight of 17-year-old girls is around…
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