How old do you have to be to buy dry ice

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In most states you must be at least 18 years old to buy dry ice as it can be dangerous. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How old do you have to be to buy dry ice
How Old Do I have to be to buy dry ice.?
go to a place that sells meat and fish and ask them, they will tell you because they usually sell it
How old do u need to be in order to buy dry ice?
You need to be 18 but they probably wont be as strict selling it as other things like cigarettes or alcohol.
Where can i buy dry ice from?
some ice cream stores sell it. for like 10 bucks you can get a big block of dry ice. Only small town ice cream stores sell it. Note: don’t get it on you skin it burns!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

In California how old do you have to be to buy dry ice?
Q: Is there even a law? I would be using it to keep a therapy icer cold until after school to ice my arm after pitching for baseball. Would i be able to buy it at the local grocery store if im 16?
A: I know of no CA law regulating the sale or possession of dry ice (which is, after all, just frozen carbon dioxide). However, you probably would not be able to purchase it at your local grocery store. An ice company would be a better bet.
where can u buy dry ice?
Q: where can a 13 year old kid buy dry ice? like with out ID and stuff?
A: NO WHERE. You need to have ID. The reason being, is because thirteen yr. olds like to make Dry Ice bombs and that’s illegal. Sound familiar?
How Old Do I have to be to buy dry ice.?
A: go to a place that sells meat and fish and ask them, they will tell you because they usually sell it
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