How should I do the green tea diet

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How should I do the green tea diet”,you can compare them.

Green tea contains EGCG which speeds up the metabolism. But, it also contains caffeine. Drink green tea while eating a sensible diet. The pounds will not melt off but green tea will help speed up the process. Good luck. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How should I do the green tea diet
How to do the green tea diet
How does the green tea diet work?
Hi, I am a detox specialist and I specialize in helping people lose weight. While green tea is good for preventing fat absorption, that is about all that it does. If you are not putting new fat into your diet, you would hardly be preventing…
Do green tea diet pills work?
I have been through it all and know what’s it about. The main thing is to stick in there. You can’t be an addict to food and never exercise if you want to live a healthy life and keep the weight off. I’ve worked out, done every diet, and al…

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Q: I am trying to loose so fat from my stomach area and the gree tea pills seem to be working good along with abs exercise, at the same time I want to gain body muscle in the arms area, chest and leg… so can I take protein shakes and green tie diet pills at the same time or any other suggestions on how I can achieve both goals (abs / muscle) at the same time.
A: The green tea does nothing, it’s your exercise that’s working. You don’t gain muscle and lose weight at the same time except by cardio w/ weight training at the same time.
Is drinking green tea just as good as taking the green tea diet pills?
Q: I was wondering because I have been taking the MegaT green tea diet pills for awhile and am pleased with the results and increased energy. But I was curious to see if drinking the diet green tea would do just the same? And it would save money.
A: green tea is good :)green tea extract resulted in a significant increase in energy expenditure (a measure of metabolism), plus also had a significant effect on fat oxidation.
how many cups of green tea a day should i drink if im on a diet?
Q: i just wanted to know i fim on a diet does green tea help me burn calories and if so how many cups should i drink a day??i drink hot green tea with 2-3 sweet and lows
A: You should drink 3 cups of hot green tea aday. My mom has lost 2 pant sizes in 2 months.
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