Is it unhealthy to lose this weight in 4 days 14.5

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No, a good yet healthy diet suggests the you lose 1/2 lb. to one pound of weight every 2-3 days. Weight loss at a too fast of a rate can make you very ill. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
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Is it unhealthy to lose this weight in 4 days 14.5
No, a good yet healthy diet suggests the you lose 1/2 lb. to one pound of weight every 2-3 days. Weight loss at a too fast of a rate can make you very ill. ChaCha on!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: i eat a HELL of a lot healthier then half the people my age. im 145’3″ and158 poundsi eat a healthy breakfast in the morning, and i snack on moderately healthy foods throughout the day (pretzels, 100 calorie packs, fruit, yogurt, etc). i measure foods out so i only have one serving ( cereals, milk, pasta, etc.) but i eat all the veggies and fruits i want. although i do NOT play a sport, i exercise. i get at least 3-4 days a week. most of the time i get more, like 5-6 days. i walk 2 miles, or jog about 2-3 laps (1 mile) and then walk until 2 miles.i drink plenty of waterand i get enough sleepbut heres the problem:i had a very unhealthy past, and it has caught up to me and left me 20-30 pounds overweight. i keep a food journal and i exercise. i dont understand why i am not losing weightive been doing this for about 2-3 months now.i would LIKE to lose 20 pounds in 4 months- thats 5 pounds a month.what can i do to ACTUALLY lose weight? i dont want to waste my time anymore
A: change up your exercise routine. If you only walk and jog then throw in some weight lifting. With weights you want to do low weights with a high repetition. Muscle is the only cell in the body that burns calories 24 hours a day so the more muscle you build the higher your metabolism. You don’t have to have bulging muscles that is why you lift a small weight many times. Change the pace throughout your walks and make sure you have some good sized hills on your walk. Maybe every ten minutes stop walking and do some jumping jacks and lunges. As far as diet goes you want to cut down on carbohydrates which you get from bread, crackers, chips, pretzels and anything with sugar in it. You want to make sure that you eat good proteins such as eggs, chicken, fish, beans and nut butters (peanut butter is pretty high in fat) like almond butter. Vegetables are fantastic as long as you do not drown them in butter or margarine. Try using a butter spray. To add flavor to vegetables you can cook them in some fat free chicken broth and add herbs, garlic and onions. Try to eat foods high in fiber because these keep you feeling full longer. Instead of the 100 calorie packs try making up baggies of raw veggies, grapes, raisins, almonds and walnuts. Make sure that you get enough dairy because calcium has been shown to increase weight loss. Eating eggs for breakfast has also been shown to help in weight loss. Just don’t cook the eggs in butter or grease. Use a bit of cooking spray in the pan, toss in a couple of eggs, some seasonings, maybe some onion and garlic and stir it up while it is cooking. If you eat any canned fruits make sure they are packed in there own juices instead of in syrup. I hope you find this information to be helpful. Remember the key to losing weight is to burn more calories than you take in in your diet. Also, watch out for foods that are labeled low fat and fat free. A lot of them add sugar and salt to make them taste better. The same goes with food labeled low in carbohydrates because they tend to add fat to improve the taste. The foods that are best for our bodies are foods that are not processed so eat as much food that comes in its natural form as you can.
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Q: i eat a HELL of a lot healthier then half the people my 145’3″ and158 poundsi eat a healthy breakfast in the morning, and i snack on moderately healthy foods throughout the day (pretzels, 100 calorie packs, fruit, yogurt, etc). i measure foods out so i only have one serving ( cereals, milk, pasta, etc.) but i eat all the veggies and fruits i want.although i do NOT play a sport, i exercise. i get at least 3-4 days a week. most of the time i get more, like 5-6 days.i walk 2 miles, or jog about 2-3 laps (1 mile) and then walk until 2 miles.i drink plenty of waterand i get enough sleepbut heres the problem:i had a very unhealthy past, and it has caught up to me and left me 20-30 pounds overweight.i keep a food journal and i exercise. i dont understand why i am not losing weightive been doing this for about 2-3 months now.i would LIKE to lose 20 pounds in 4 months- thats 5 pounds a month.what can i do to ACTUALLY lose weight? i dont want to waste my time anymore*this is a repost*
A: There are two problems I see here:1. Your concept of “healthy” isn’t exactly so. Comparing yourself to other people your age doesn’t mean anything. For example, you count a 100 Calorie Pack as a healthy snack. How? That’s full of a bunch of processed nastiness. Chances are, you’re actually not eating all that healthy. Tell me everything you ate yesterday (email me) and I’ll help you clean up your diet.2. As I said to you in a previous email, you’re doing the same things over and over for exercise…that doesn’t get you anywhere. That’s like reading the same chapter in a math textbook over and over and expecting to learn something new. The body needs to be challenged. I don’t know why you’re walking 2 miles when you could be jogging, sprinting, or running. Also, when you say that you “jog about 2-3 laps (1 mile)” that tells me you aren’t being entirely accurate with your calculations. There’s a huge difference between 2 and 3 laps, and a standard track is actually 4 laps to a mile (1 lap = quarter mile). This alone tells me that in addition to not challenging your body with a different routine, you aren’t even accurately measuring what you are doing. If that sounds harsh, just ask yourself one question: either you’re not as accurate as you think you are, or your body has broken the laws of physics. Which do you think is more likely?
Will I lose weight like this?
Q: Today I’ve had 3 bowls of Special K strawberries and chocolate cereal, which is approximately 400kcal and 2.7g fat altogether. I then had a plate of steamed vegetables (carrots, green beans, broccoli and sweetcorn) for dinner and I’m not having anything else for the rest of the day. I’ve had quite a lot of iced water today and 5 cups of green tea.I know 3 bowls of cereal was way too much but I was hungry. :S Apart from the fact I ate too much today, if I removed one of those bowls of cereal and did more exercise, should I be able to lose weight? I’m 14, 5’5 and 8 st 4 (116 lbs). I’m a UK size 8-10 (US 4-6). 🙁 I want to be about 95 lbs or so, and I’d kill to be a UK size 4 (US size 0).When I get cravings for chocolate/cookies etc, I sometimes chew the food, then spit it out because it satisfies my cravings but I don’t take in the calories and fat. Do you have any other tips for not letting my unhealthy cravings take over? And also, what are some good exercises I can do that tone my body and burn lots of calories? Is walking good? Thanks so much. :)I’ll pass, Jos, I’m not a big fan of cheese. 🙂 It’s very fattening, and I’m sure looking good is a much better feeling than having a full, bloated belly.
A: Your diet seems like a slightly unhealthy way to become a size four. Depending on the width/height of your skeletal frame and your ‘ideal/healthy weight’ (which you can ask your dietitian or GP about), obtaining a size four might mean making too many sacrifices health wise.I know that ‘A balanced diet’ and ‘good regular exercise’ is easier said than done, but why not try eating normal food- in healthy portions. But make everything balanced. Cereal once or twice a week in the morning, but something like an orange or slice of toast and an egg for protein on other mornings can be a good example. Walking is a perfectly good way to get excercise. Jogging in the park with your friends or walking your dog (if you have one) can be a good time to do these things.For losing weight, simply cut down the amount of fat in your diet, but still eat healthy portions. Drink juice once or twice a day and replace every other drink with water. Drink milk once or twice a week if it’s full fat, and eat plenty of seeds, nuts and beans. (dried fruits and nuts are actually real tasty, and pumpkin seeds are a personal favourite of mine.) cut down on any red meat. Any fatty food at all. You might find that junk food is only best eaten occasionally, and healthy food is much tastier. Fish is good, and white meat is ok, but remember there are a wide range of tasty non-meat dishes you can try cooking at home by yourself, or go to a restaurant to try. Don’t always go for things that say ‘low fat’ or look small. They could just be full of a whole load of sugar.Most of all: Sleep regular hours and if you get thirsty during the night, always go for water. Ice or food late at night can be an aid in weight gain by slowing down your metabolism, so eat regular hours, too.If you have anything else you want to ask, then feel free, these are just examples of things you can do.
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