Is milk good for the human body

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Is milk good for the human body”,you can compare them.

Milk has various health benefits. For example, Cow’s milk promotes strong bones by being a good source of vitamin D & calcium. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is milk good for the human body
What part of the human body does milk keep healthy?
Your whole body, mostly your bones. Milk has calcium in it. Your body needs calcium to live and so do your bones. Calcium is the only thing that keeps your bones thick and hard. If you don’t have enough calcium in your bones, they start to …
Why is milk important to the human body?
Milk is really important Milk is really important
Is cows milk intended for the human body?
It’s all well to walk into your grocery store and pick up that lovely carton of milk that is sitting on the fridge shelf, or that “deluxe” ice cream that is waiting for you at the dairy isle! But do you honestly know what the he…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why milk that is store inside the human body does not expire or gone bad and maintain it taste and freshness ?
Q: but if the milk is store outside the human body it can easily gone bad within short period of time. Isn’t that the human body a miracle living thing.If only scientist can create a packaging that can maintain the taste and the freshness of milk (not UHT milk) without using any miracle but through good packaging. edit without using any chemical not miracle
A: Hey, what do you mean ” any miracle but good packaging.”?Those are very attractive containers you are talking about. i am sure 99.99% of human likes them. Well! i do. JEZZZZZ!
Does the human body need milk as a ‘food’ after childhood?
Q: I’ve heard arguements FOR & AGAINST this…and would like to hear some REALLY “Informed” opinions on this. I hope those who just want to make unintelligent, smart remarks &/or comments on this will not make them! I’m really interested in INFORMED comments.
A: Milk is a good source of calcium and Vitamin D, which are the main reasons to continue drinking it after childhood. But if one can get those nutrients elsewhere in sufficient quantities, then I guess that one doesn’t need to drink milk, unless one is fond of it.
can cow milk stimulate growth of parasites in the human body?
Q: Is it true that drinking cow milk can stimulate growth of parasite in the human body?A reference to your answer is highly appreciated.
A: no. Not more than any other food. If you have a tape worm and you don’t eat anything, that tape worm wouldn’t really get food either, but it doesn’t really care that much what you eat. Unless you of course eat doses of antiparasitic drugs.
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