What is a fast and easy diet

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A fast and easy diet is one that involves enough exercise to burn more calories than the amount consumed. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-fast-and-easy-diet ]
More Answers to “What is a fast and easy diet
What is a fast and easy diet?
hi, i am a 15 year old boy, i went on a diet around a year ago and lost quite a lot of weight, i would recommend using the treadmill for 30 – 45 mins 3 times a week, and eating around 1400 calories per day. this should always include a brea…
What are some fast easy diet tricks?
Not really any tricks to lose weight, just diet and exercise. If you want to lose weight, you need to two things: eat less and exercise more. Weight gain happens when you create a calorie surplus (eat more than you burn). Your body takes th…
Does anyone know any fast and easy diet i can try at home?
If diets were “fast and easy” there would be no overweight people in the world. If you want to lose weight, it requires making a commitment to proper diet and exercise. It’s not easy, but it can be done. I’m living proof. I lost 7…

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What is a great fast easy diet?
Q: I need to lose 40 lbs or more pretty quick. I can not do hard physical exercise because of a back problem, but I gained a lot of weight during my two pregnancies and have not been able to lose it and now it is threatening my health. I’m hypertensive and may possibly have diabetes and my doctor said if I lose some weight that it might go away. I’m not that big I think. I weigh 201 and I’m 5’5″. I weighed 135 before my first pregnancy, 180 after, then I got pregnant again by accident and weighed 190 at the beginning of my second one and almost 200 by the end of it and she is 5 months old. I just need a diet that will help me lose the weight with minimal exercise. I know this sounds lazy, but its not. Not to mention I’m on steroids for my back and I know it makes you gain weight. Any and all help will be appreciated. Thank you so very very much.
A: I dont know about your back problem…it may ease after you lose some weight.the problem with ‘quick’ is that it is not always healthy. the best and healthiest advice i can give you is to drop meat from your diet. not eggs and dairy, but meat(even fish and chicken).going veg can be very healthy or unhealthy, depending on the amount of research you are willing to do. I can tell you that you will need to go get some fish oil capsules to replace valuable fatty acids that cannot be obtained elsewhere. otherwise, eating meat provides no actual benefit that you cant get in another food(and that IS the truth, no matter what meat-freaks will tell you 🙂 )if you have more questions or need more veggie guidance, please contact me: [email protected] luck! 🙂
what are some fast easy diet tricks?
Q: i need to loss weight what are some easy on the go diet tricks?
A: Not really any tricks to lose weight, just diet and exercise. If you want to lose weight, you need to two things: eat less and exercise more. Weight gain happens when you create a calorie surplus (eat more than you burn). Your body takes the excess calories and converts them to fat which get stored around your stomach, arms and thighs. The longer you remain in a calorie surplus, the more weight you’ll gain. To lose that weight, you need to do the opposite. You need to create a calorie deficit (start eating less than you burn). Your first step is to figure out how many calories you burn on a daily basis. This calculator will help you out http://calorieneedscalculator.com The number you get from this tool is what your body burns on a daily basis. To lose weight, simply eat less. It sounds a lot easier than it is but making small changes helps you adjust to a new lifestyle. Don’t think of this as a diet, think of it as a new life. Instead of eating foods high in sugars, white flour and saturated fat, go with fruits, vegetables, whole wheats, fish, lean meats, nuts and beans. In addition to eating less, you also need to exercise more. Start off at 1-2 times per week and work your way up to 3-5 times per week.Don’t make all of these changes at once or you won’t be able to properly adjust to them. Generally, eating healthier foods will decrease your calorie intake. Compare a doughnut to an apple and you’ll see that healthy foods are lower in calories. You can find some more information at the Beginner’s Guide to Dieting – http://straightdiet.com
what is a fast and easy diet and excersize that will keep me healthy, AND looking my best?
Q: i need to know! i’ve been looking around for some time mow, and i just can’t seem to find the right onw for me, any sugestions?
A: It’s quite simple, really. All you need to do is eat healthy and exercise. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, nuts, and occasionally wild caught fish. Also, drink a lot of water so you’re never dehydrated. At the same time, you need to exercise at least 45 minutes a day. Running is the best type you can do. Good luck!
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