Is mountain dew soda healthy

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Is mountain dew soda healthy”,you can compare them.

No, Mountain Dew and all other soda pops are unhealthy. Have a great day! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is mountain dew soda healthy
Is coffee healthier to drink than soda like Mountain Dew or Pepsi…?
Yes. Coffee has less sugar and calories.
When did Mountain Dew soda come out commercially?
O would estimate about l965 judged by bitz advertising on tv and radio, and also the use of promotionakls at Palisades Park and The LIRR. The Park had a Smokey warren Mountain dew revue- a C&W concert for some years. O would estimate ab…
What does mountain dew soda contain?
a whole lot of sugar wesley bales

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Is Jones Soda a ‘safe’ alternative to other sodas like Coke, Mountain Dew?
Q: I’m in the process of cutting out soda completely. However, I still love the stuff and I’m wondering if it’s okay to drink Jones Soda because it appears that it has less, seemingly healthier ingredients than Coke or Mountain Dew.
A: cream soda tastes like cotton candy . jesus approves
is coffee healthier to drink than soda like Mountain Dew or Pepsi ?
A: Yes. Coffee has less sugar and calories.
Quitting Mountain Dew?
Q: I’m trying to make an effort to live a little healthier as I’ve just come out of being a teenager. I’ve been able to give up most of my bad habit’s however Mountain Dew (or soda in general) seems to keep ending up in my hand. I consumed it extremely heavily throughout my teen years and I’m finding it hard to quit. Does anyone have any good suggestions or tips for dropping the Dew?
A: Try substituting water for the first dew of the day. Then after a few days, switch another dew to water. Keep a water bottle handy, so that it’s easy to grab the water. A week or so later, substitute an apple or orange for another dew. Now you’re getting better nutrition, plus you’re getting more water, and you’ve eliminated 3 of the cans of dew from your diet.Another tip – keep a food diary that lists when and what you ate and drank. After a few weeks, it’ll become clear where you can make changes.
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