Is Raisin Bran Crunch good for you

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Is Raisin Bran Crunch good for you”,you can compare them.

Raisin Bran Crunch is a great source of 13 essential vitamins and minerals, is very low in fat, and provides a healthy serving of dietary fiber. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is Raisin Bran Crunch good for you
Is raisin bran crunch even any good for you?
I eat Total Raisin Bran. Honestly, could it possibly be worse than Capt’n Crunch? I eat cereal because it tastes good, and I try not to eat the most unhealthy one. But if its got a little sugar in it to make it taste good, that’s okay wi…
Is raisin bran crunch cereal healthy? and is it better than oatme…?
I as well love Raisin Bran Crunch i tend to eat it because thats the cereal they serve at my school. But its not that healthy…. one because its loaded with sugar even though its made of grain or is a wheat cereal the sugary granola and ra…
Who is the actor who plays Johnson in the Raisin Bran Crunch comm…?
yep that is right : ) he is also “Joel” in the Cavemen show,and in that top five “secret lover” phone commercial : )

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is raisin bran crunch even any good for you?
Q: I’ve been eating it everyday for breakfast, but noticed that it has a lot of ingredients, one of the first being sugar.What do you think?*Raisin bran CRUNCH, not regular.
A: I eat Total Raisin Bran. Honestly, could it possibly be worse than Capt’n Crunch? I eat cereal because it tastes good, and I try not to eat the most unhealthy one. But if its got a little sugar in it to make it taste good, that’s okay with me. Its still bran!
Is Drinking Green Tea and Eating Raisin Bran Crunch a Good Way to Start the Day?
A: yea i think it isgreen tea makes you wake up and have energy and raisin bran is a whole gran cerealGOOD JOB!!
How does raisin bran crunch differ from raisin bran?
Q: I used to have kellogg raisin bran. This week as it is sold out i tried raisin bran *crunch*. It is sweeter and tastes not bad. How does it differs from raisin bran?
A: OMG, the crunchy clusters are the difference!! I love that cereal, it is the best!! I think it has a hint of cinnamon taste to it too.
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