What do you know about slimquick

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SlimQuick is specifically designed to burn fat on women, and it contains 6 exclusive complexes to do this. Keep ChaCha’ing! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-you-know-about-slimquick ]
More Answers to “What do you know about slimquick
Does anyone know if slimquick works?
You will lose more body fat eating protein & fat (don’t eat protein alone) than not eating AT ALL. To lose weight fast eat all you want but nothing but meat, eggs, healthy oils, mayo, butter and half an avocado a day (you’ll need added …
Does anybody know anything about Slimquick?
Dieting doesn’t work if you go back to your old habits after losing the weight. The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to make a “life style change”. Eat differently, exercise differently, go about your day differently.
Does anyone know if slimquick is a good fat burner?
Going for a walk is a better fat burner. Don’t rely on gimmick things like Slimquick. Once you stop slimquick, you get fat again. Train yourself to exercise regularly and eat right. This will keep you fit and trim for life. People do not un…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

About the slimquick packets where u add to water?
Q: Does anyone know if you have to follow exactly what that meal plan they gave you in the box in order tolose weight or can you just take those 2 a day n workout n still lose weight??? I don’t understnad it??? any know???
A: I’m pretty sure it’s just an example I mean it’s only 1 week of food, you can’t eat the same thing week after week. If you eat healthy, exercise, and use the packets it’s supposed to make you lose weight.
What are the Side effects of Slimquick Hoodia?
Q: I was just wondering if anybody has taken the Slimquick Hoodia Capsules and if so what are the side effects? I’m not really concerned about being sleepy or anything like that I would just like to know if it makes you run to the bathroom every 10 minutes like that new diet pill Alli is suppose to do.
A: It can give you a faster heart rate which is bad, b/c it is chemically induced into your body. I like it b/c it works, but instead of taking the pills, take the drink packets. They taste great and you can get them from walgreens and cvs.
Question About Slimquick Caplets?
Q: I just opened a new bottle of Slimquick caplets. The caplets are white and oblong. There is no name or any engraving/stamp on them. I am wondering why these caplets are not stamped or engraved. (If spilled/mixed with other tablets….how do you know what they are?)I just was worried that the pills in the bottle were not really Slimquick because they have nothing stamped/engraved on them.Thanks for your reply.
A: Chances are it is because it would cost them a little more money to do it and there are really no laws against it as they are sealed in a container and it is up to you to keep them separate. Find another brand that actually gives a crap and does put their name on the pill.They do not work miracles, but with a great nutritional and fitness program they do help a little. A VERY little. Most are actually a huge waste of money.Alhttp://phoenixbodystyling.blogspot.com/
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