Is the peanut butter diet healthy

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Is the peanut butter diet healthy”,you can compare them.

The peanut butter diet is decent because it allows a wide variety of foods. But regular exercise and fruits/veggies are best! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is the peanut butter diet healthy
How to Lose Weight on a Peanut Butter Diet
・ 1 Eat approximately 4 to 6 tablespoons of peanut butter each day. Peanut butter is a delicious and healthy… ・ 2 Limit the peanut butter to lunch and snack times. For the Peanut Butter Diet, you eat items like peanut… ・ 3 Add healthy f…
Does the peanut butter diet work or not?
^ peanut butter doesn’t have sugar or a lot of carbs silly the diet thing is kinda dumb tho, it is too calorie/fat dense to live off of
Does the peanut butter diet include the proper amounts of food fr…?
no.because there are no certain food that contain all nutrients from all the basic food groups. by:Pia Corinna R. Mijares Los Banos,Laguna,Philippines

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is peanut butter a healthy diet food?
Q: I’ve been dieting and exercising lately and I had peanut butter on crackers, now i feel guilty. I hear that peanut butter is a healthy food but how can this be when there is so much fat in it?
A: No, actualyy people use peanut butter to help gain weight and muscle. I would avoid any nuts, pastas, and breads.
Can peanut butter fit into a healthy diet?
Q: (If it fits into your calorie intake)
A: Yes peanut butter is pretty healthy. There are many different brands/types some with more sugar then others though. I’ve read and heard on the news that it can help with losing weight.
Is peanut butter and jelly healthy for a diet?
Q: whole wheat bread. welches jelly and jiffy pb.
A: only if you eat natural peanut butter without hydrogenated oil which has trans fat.
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