What is a Cheeto made of

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Enriched Corn Meal (Corn Meal, Ferrous Sulfate, Niacin, Thiamin Monoitrate, Riboflavin, and Frolic Acid), Vegetable Oil, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-cheeto-made-of ]
More Answers to “What is a Cheeto made of
How are Cheetos made?
Cheetos are a puffed and extruded cornmeal/cornstarch product which is either fried or baked and probably put through a tumbler to coat with the “cheeto dust”.
What is cheeto batter made of.
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Are baked Flamin’ Hot Cheetos still being made?
Yeah! I saw a bag of them in a Lenny’s a few days ago. It is nice to know that somebody else has a passion for Cheeto related objects!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: i was dreaming of the cheetos then my family was beging attacked by them then i ate them 1 by 1 then the master (SUPER MEGA SIZE) cheeto came ate me and i ate hime from inside then i made a door and he became a new house 🙂 it was funny but what dose it mean tho?btw i didnt eat cheetos be 4 bed i was dreaming and it switch to that btw it was 1 tasty dream tho 😀
A: CHEETOS!!!!!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!!!Doritos taste wayyyyy better…..
HELP! 10 points and a cheeto! (Well, no cheeto.)?
Q: Okay, heres the crazy, exciting, ultraconfusing, and somewhat hysterical story of mine.I promise it will be a fast read. I justed pushed enter. Sorry! (And this is the condenced version…)It all started when one of my friends made me ask this guy out. (Btw: we are all 13-14 in the picture here) I said sure, why not. So, I had a friend ask him, and he said no, because he thought I was a different person. Then, the next day, (after the guy realized who I was) I was asked out by him in science. I said yes, and it lasted for a whole, entire, day. Yep. One day.Apparently he hadn’t gotten over his last girlfriend. “Opps.” So I waited.And waited. And waited. Then, I began to actually like him. I couldn’t explain it, but I started to like him, rather than going out for the sake of going out, I really, truly, liked him.Still was waiting.Then, when he broke up with his first girlfriend, he asked me out again. And broke up with me again, for the same girlfriend. The guy could not make up his flipping mind.So, as all girls would, I decided to get over him. Cold turkey. Just.Like.That.Ha. I was wrong. Completly and udderly wrong. Then, she and him broke up for good. He was “tired of playing her games.” Then, he went out with a few other girls, and then it struck me. I wasn’t over him.We started talking flirting, etc. And then all the girls he was ating got sick of him. There was just little old me, waiting for him to flipping ask me out. And, once more, he asked me out again. I, of course, was flattered. Again.He broke up with me (again) 3 days later, so he wouldn’t cheat on me over christmas. Of course, he brags about all the girls he claimed to have dated during break were all made up, made known to me and my friends by an accidental text message by his sister, who told us all about it.I, for one, was still not over him. Stupid, crazy, dumb hormones.He started telling me how much he missed me, calling and texting me cute things. I started talking to my friend about it, and telling her everything- she texted him, saying that he should ask me out already.Then, he asked me. I was so excited, happy, and couldn’t eat for three days.Now folks, what do you think happened?Five days later, he broke up with me. Again.Don’t you think I’d be over him already? NO! stupid, stupid boys, and stupid, stupid me.And, but of course, I like him more than ever. Can’t get over him, he still flirts with me, and all that other good stuff.What the heck should I do?Everytime I tell him about what a jerk hes being and all the crud he does, and make note to get over him- he apologises and does the sweetest things. Should I take revenge? 😉
A: *sigh* I know exactly how you feel. I’m the same age, and in 8th grade guys can be complete bizznitches. It might seem impossible, but you’ll get over him eventually. He may be the perfect guy for you one day, and the next you hate his friggin self. That’s how guys are at this age. Give yourself some time, and you’ll see you made the best decision. Spend your time on someone who truly loves you and isn’t just desperate to have a gf. But idk this guy, so I’m just making an assumption. Good luck! (: Oh, btw, never take revenge. That’s the last thing you want to do. Get over him, and be happy about your choice. The best way to subtly get back at somebody is by showing them you don’t care and you’re fine without them. :3
orange willy?
Q: .,man tells the doctor, my willies turned orange, doctor looks at it and says “never seen this condition before, must be stress, hows your marriage?” i just got divorced! “doc says there you go, very stressful time for you” no the man says happiest i’ve been in years, i couldn’t stand the wife! Also i was made redundant recently, “thats it says the doc very stressful thing to happen to you” no says the man i found a new job, its great, twice the money and fewer hours. Doctor looks again at the mans bright orange willy and says, “i’m sure its stress, what do you do in your spare time?” Man says “not much, i sit on the sofa, watch a lot of p*rno films and eat cheesey wotsits…(cheeto’s for our american friends)
A: nice, that’s a good one.and thanks for the translation for us americans!
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