What about coffee

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A single cup of coffee has between 80-135 milligrams of caffeine. Ask away! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-about-coffee ]
More Answers to “What about coffee
What coffee are you?
You are sensual in rich, and enjoy the good things in life. Your senses are your guide through the world. Sweet and decadent, you live life for fun and desserts. ・ mike says: 3/21/2005 at 8:26 pm I am a cappucinno. ・ Kari says: 3/22/2005 at…
How to Improve the Flavor of Coffee
Coffee is served in virtually every restaurant. Most homes have a coffee maker and even some that are regular coffee drinkers. Coffee houses or coffee chains seem to be on every corner. Contributor: David DeWitt Published: Oct 28, 2009…
How to Clean Coffee Makers
・ 1 Empty the old grounds from your coffee maker. ・ 2 Pour 1/2 pot of water and 1/2 pot of vinegar into your coffee maker. ・ 3 Let your coffee maker run (again, without any coffee in it!) ・ 4 Dump out the vinegar from the pot. ・ 5 Fill the…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do I go about selling my gourmet coffee?
Q: I have exclusive rights to a new import of premium Costa Rican coffee. The coffee is great, but how do I go about getting others to realize it and purchase it?
A: Look for a local farmer’s market to sell your goods at. My wife is really good friends with a local coffee roaster that moves a lot of pounds of coffee per week, and she does it all through two farmer’s markets, loyal buyers and one storefront(that specializes in local products).Farmer’s market, local goods store. Those are your two best options to start with. You could also set up a home-delivery service if you are so inclined, so as to make it easier for people in your area to obtain the coffee when they need it.
How do I go about restaining an old coffee table?
Q: I found this really neat coffee table, but its the wrong color and doesn’t match any of my furniture. I wanted to stain it a dark cherry color, but I don’t know how to even go about doing that? How do i get rid of the stain/gloss thats on there now?
A: 1st you are going to have to strip, then after you have enough dollar bills, take that to Lowe’s & get some varnish stripper. Use that, sand it down, restain & add a coat of polyurethane. Lowes will have directions on how to do those things
About left over coffee, have you used it for anything, besides pour down the drain? What about the grinds?
Q: I’ve used a lil strong coffee to melt chocolate.Have you used coffee in recipes? Wanna share?What about the coffee grinds? Have you used them in your garden or something? Please share.Thanks for all this. I will try some of these idea. I hope you all have enjoyed reading the postings as much as I have.
A: Left over coffee is great for pot roast! Pour about 1 cup coffee over the roast in the pan, add you seasonings; I use salt, pepper, garlic and bay leaf; then cover and cook. Once the roast is done use the drippings, minus the bay leaf, and some cornstarch mixed in water to make a wonderful gravy. It’s absolutely delicious!
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