What happens to water in the stomach

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What happens to water in the stomach”,you can compare them.

It sits in your stomach then you pee it out. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-to-water-in-the-stomach ]
More Answers to “What happens to water in the stomach
What happens to the alkaline water once it reaches the stomach, w…?
In order to digest food and kill bacteria found in our foods, our stomach produces acid (pH of 4). When we intake alkaline water, the ph level the stomach rises. The stomach detects the alkaline water and commands itself to produce more aci…
What happens to alkaline water in the acid stomach??
When you drink alkaline water, two things are possible, both will be helpful to the alkaline buffers:
What is the cause of my stomach pain? Happens even after a glass …?
Gallbladder probably. Go to the Dr. before you end up in real trouble.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What happens to your stomach when you drink warm or hot water?
Q: At work, one of my coworkers was sipping on hot water. I asked why. She said she was on a “diet” and that warm/hot water was supposed to contract her stomach muscles so she couldn’t eat as much..Is this bogus or what?
A: It’s bogus.
What happens if you drink more water than your stomach can hold?
A: honestly i have no idea but im guessing you throw up. i watched a show on fraternity water hazing and this pledge puked orange foam because his sodium and water balance went all crazy. so, puking orange foam, if that helps
what is the cause of my stomach pain? Happens even after a glass of water!?
Q: It all started with what felt like acid reflux / heartburn one night. The next morning I had bad stomach pain (kind of like cramps) and occasionally this churning, nauseous feeling. Now every time I eat or drink something, the pain comes back pretty much immediately. Even when I haven’t consumed anything in a while it comes in waves – the nausea particularly. I don’t feel sick looking at food or anything, but I’m not particularly hungry either.
A: Gallbladder probably. Go to the Dr. before you end up in real trouble.
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