What are farts

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When you eat, you swallow small bits of air that flows to your digestive system. This air escapes in the form of farts! ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-farts ]
More Answers to “What are farts
What are farts?
Caused by a firm mass of feces in the distal colon or rectum. The size or firmness of the mass prevents it from passing.
Why do your farts stink?
Farts have many chemicals in them, the one that makes them smell bad is sulphur and methane.
How to Fart
you’ve eaten a huge meal. Now you’re bloated. Gas is building up inside of you and it eventually has to escape somewhere. Read on for some helpful hints to make a good fart without… Tags: bathroom rectum farts jackhammer

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: are farts supposed to have lumps?
A: No, that’s that a Shart dude. A shart, as defined by the urban dictionary, is gas followed by a mass.
How do I prevent myself from producing smelly farts after eating eggs?
Q: I really like eggs and I eat them every day but after eating them, I fart a lot and the farts smell really bad – so bad that my room mate leaves the room when it happens. How can I enjoy my daily eggs without having the burden of producing smelly farts?
A: well i’d say the best solution to this problem would be to stop eating eggs. or leave your room mate. there isn’t room in the world for both.
How can cow farts and moose burps acutally contibute to global warming?
Q: There was a report on our news stations that cow farts and moose belches are a contributor to global warming. No kidding. They said that large amounts of methane are in it and it is a contributor to global warming. Is it really true?Finally and most importantly, does this mean when I eat beans, global warming strengthens? “A falsehood repeated many times becomes a truth”- Winston Churchill
A: if you believe that mankind is causing global warming it is mind numbing to think there might be a natural cause also. the statement is that there are so many cows and moose that have multiple stomach that they would have a measurable amount of gas produced every day. now i know the green weenies do not like to hear it but mother nature still puts out more green house gases every year then man ever did.
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