Why do we need fiber in our diet

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do we need fiber in our diet”,you can compare them.

These indigestible substances facilitate digestion and elimination by carrying other waste products along with them as they leave the digestive tract and by absorbing fluids that make wastes soft enough for easy passage. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-we-need-fiber-in-our-diet ]
More Answers to “Why do we need fiber in our diet
Fibre reduces the risk of a number of bowel problem (constipation, haemorrhoids,diverticular disease and cancer of the colon or large bowel). Moreover, soluble fibre helps to stabilize blood sugar levels because it slows down the rate at wh…
It stops you being constipated.x
The typical American diet is low in fiber. The recommended daily value for fiber based on a 2000 calorie per day diet is 25 grams. According to U.S. government reports, it is estimated that the current dietary fiber intake is 10 to 15 grams…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why do we need fiber in our diets?
A: We need fiber to get rid of bad cholesterol. To soften stool, to absorb excess water, there are many reasons why we need fiber in our body.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dietary_fiber I found this helpful.
why do we have to fiber in our diet?
A: If you don’t eat enough fiber, you will get colitis, or irratated colon, even ulcerated colitis. These are not pleasant – painful and you have very bad bowels. You have to take antibiotics to kill the infection, but it never heals the colitis – you can always get it. What happens is the colon wall gets thin and develops little holes, or caves, where food or waste gets caught. It does what it does as it rots it causes you to get an infection.
Why is fiber so important to our diet?
A: Wouldn’t we die of putrification if we didn’t have fiber to help us void all the unused part of our diet? Our bodies would re-absorbe all the stuff left behind.
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