What are folic acids

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Folic acid (folate) is a B vitamin found in many vegetables, beans, fruits, whole grains, and in fortified breakfast cereals MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-folic-acids ]
More Answers to “What are folic acids
What is Folic Acid?
You have likely heard someone tell you to supplement your diet with a folic acid supplement if you are pregnant, or trying to get pregnant. In fact, over the last few years, folic acid has been heavily marketed to women of child bearing age…
Why is folic acid important?
It has been shown that increasing Folic Acid intake before and during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy can greatly reduce the chances of a baby being born with spina bifida or a similar neural tube defect. During some, if not all, of the fir…
How does folic acid work?
the pathogenesis of NTDs is largely un-known. 35 Folic acid is essential for the synthesis of nucleic acids and amino ac-ids and for cell division. In this capacity, it would be anticipated that not only NTDs but also other isolated structu…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what type of Folic Acids do i need?
Q: I want to get pregnant faster and I am reading online about it and it says that I need to eat foods with Folic acids in it or I could take vitamins, what would be my best bet of folic acid to get pregnant faster. Please Help!!
A: you just take normal pre-natal vitamins and eat well..dark leafy greens have folic acid um pretty much just take good care of your self. if you can’t get pregnant within the first 6 months try clomid it worked for me.GOOD LUCK
Are there any benefits in taking Folic Acid when your not Pregnant?
Q: What if you are taking folic acid and you are not pregnant nor looking to become pregnant? Any particular benefits? Thank you in advance!
A: Folic acid can make your hair and skin look great. The celebrities are taking prenatal vitamins to get soft, shiny hair.and beautiful skin. Folic acid is also good to help with your iron levels, and to lower a high homocysteine level. This will be good for your heart.
What is the purpose of taking folic acid?
Q: We are trying to get pregant and my doctor told me to take folic acid. I know its good for you and the baby, but why is it good for us?
A: When you are trying to become pregnant it’s important for you to act like you already are, since you won’t know the moment you concieve, or even for a couple of weeks after. Since folic acid reduces the risks of certain birth defects, your doctor is simply preparing your body for the pregnancy to (hopefully) come.Good Luck!
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