What are in peanuts

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Peanuts are a type of nut that grow in a shell underground. Most people eat roasted peanuts and some have severe allergies to them. ChaCha again. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-in-peanuts ]
More Answers to “What are in peanuts
What are Peanuts?
2 In my humble opinion, this world is grander and more joyful place because there are peanuts in it! – screenwriter 1 Peanuts are high in riboflavin, folate and niacin. They are high in protein without the unhealthy fat; a good deal. – obse…
How do peanuts grow?
in the ground like carrots in the ground like carrots Answer. More like potatoes.
Where do peanuts grow?
Peanuts grow in the ground! Pods of peanuts grow off the pea-like peanut flower. It takes 120 to 150 days for the pods to ripen after the seeds are planted. The pods, along with a little of the peanut bush, are removed and allowed to dry fo…

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what is in beer is malt a nut?
Q: i am allergic to peanuts almonds and a lot of nuts is malt considered a nut? and if i drink a mickeys 40 oz. what is in it?
A: malting is a ~process~ whereby a grain has been allowed to sprout, and is generally applied to barley (barley that has been malted is also used to make Scotch whisky).though other grains including wheat and rye are often used for craft beers, malting them is not required (corn and rice are often used as “adjuncts” for mass produced industrial lager); when a grain is malted, the end result is often referred to as “malt”; similarly, in Scotland, a single malt whisky is often just called simply a “malt” rather than whiskyit has nothing to do with nuts, and generally nuts won’t be found in a beer, except in the case of exotic seasonal experiments like pecan ales, but this likely will be mentioned on the label(nor is it an herb, nor a separate ~variety~ of grain … geez, the misinformation that is passed off as accurate here is astounding! the bitterness primarily comes from the flowers of a particular vine known as hops)the specific product you mentioned isn’t so much a “beer” as it is a “malt liquor” (which is both a legal and quality distinction, but not so much a true taxonomic distinction), and won’t aggravate your allergy, but one could reason there are other sound reasons for avoiding malt liquor, for example, that it tastes like @ss compared to a craft beer
Q: do u like peanut butter and jelly
A: i like pb+j on toast with butter!!!!!
How much do peanuts have to be crushed to make peanut butter?
Q: I have been eating peanut butter with only peanuts and salt in it. If you break peanuts into small enough pieces, wouldn’t you only get a pile of peanut crumbs? Nothing is added to give peanuts the creamy texture. How much do you have to crush peanuts to get the natural oils out of them to make peanut butter?
A: You have to break down the peanuts a lot, allmost microscopic!If you have a food processor, you can put peanuts in it and let it run and run and run… the peanut wll first form chunks, then crumbs, then powder and if you keep on going… the powder will get smaller and smaller until it sticks together (due to the oils coming out of the nuts).When you use a food processor or a blender, a little oil is added to helps wash down the sides so the blades have something to cut..If you have a food mill/grinder, you can make peanut butter without adding the oil.
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