What are some advantages of eating healthy

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some advantages of eating healthy”,you can compare them.

Eating healthy is probably the easiest and most important way in which you can keep active and shield yourself from the many diseases that are now common as we grow older.You will have more energy.You will sleep better and be more rested [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-advantages-of-eating-healthy ]
More Answers to “What are some advantages of eating healthy
What are the advantages of healthy eating?
・ Having more energy ・ Feeling better about your eating ・ Having a better work out ・ Adding variety to your meals and makes them more interesting ・ Decreasing constipation ・ Preventing unnecessary weight gain ・ Avoiding getting …
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Advantages of eating healthy food?
Q: Can someone give me a website or a detailed specific summarized explanation in detail of courseabout the advantages of eating healthy food and what they can give you and all thatif you use a website do leave the link . thank you very much 😀
A: 1. Cuts down risk of obesity and other chronic diseases2. If you develope healthy habits they will likely stay with you for your life3. Eating junk food all the time can cause you to become tired and not pay attention.4. Even though happy for short amount of time, it’s not worth just crashing down all of a sudden.Yu should still eat little junk food, just not all the time.I hope i helped [[no website because i came up wit it by myself, we are doing a debate on this in class]]
What are the advantages and disadvantages of healthy eating?
A: General Research Guides for Students:Easy to use links that will help with all your research needs, try typing a keyword or two into the search engine and see what happens.http://vos.ucsb.edu/index.asphttp://www.aresearchguide.com/http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/8866/index.htmlhttp://www.studentresearcher.com/search/http://findarticles.com/http://www.chacha.com/
what are the benefits of healthy eating?
Q: I have to write an expository essay for school on this topic. The info I have located so far just isnt up to par or too broad. Please supply me with any credible information and links that you know of, explaining the advantages of a healthy diet, and its affect on a person’s overall well being.
A: Long life on a stinking planet with crazy ‘humans’.
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