What are some good muscle building foods

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some good muscle building foods”,you can compare them.

The best foods for building muscle are salmon, lean beef, whole milk, eggs, apple juice, pasta, yogurt, and olive oil. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-good-muscle-building-foods ]
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what are some good muscle building foods i can put into my diet?
Q: some simple stuff please because im only 15, and dont do much of the shopping, im skinny and im a hardgainer
A: Combined with intensive, compound weight reps, eating a high protein diet is usually best. Muscle is built when you damage the muscle cells at a micro-scale and the body uses protein to repair the muscles, which leaves them slightly larger.High protein foods include: Nuts, Lean Red Meat, Lean white meat, and fish.
What are good foods to building muscle foods?
Q: I know protein is good, but can you name what specific protein foods are the best for building muscle, i dont want to be a body builder or notin, but just want to gain some muscle
A: Very informative article about foods to build muscle mass:http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0801/is_1_67/ai_n15980397
What are good muscle building foods?
Q: I’m starting to work out and is there any food or drink I can use to help aid in building muscles? Protein does that right? Help. Thanks.
A: Yes! Plenty of protein is vital for building muscle. You can either get your protein from natural foods, or there are some muscle gainer and protein shakes out there, but i would be cautious of these because they often contain a lot of calories/sugar. Whey protein mixes are often the best, however. Here is a list of some foods rich in protein that you can add to your diet:-canned tuna-lean beef and or chicken breasts-dairy products (milk and yogurt)-beans-cottage cheese-nuts-lean deli turkey slicesBest of luck!
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