What are some healthy breakfast foods

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some healthy breakfast foods”,you can compare them.

Quick and healthy breakfast options include cooked oatmeal with almonds or dried cranberries, cold cereal with a side of fruit, a whole-wheat pita stuffed with hard-boiled eggs, leftover vegetable pizza, smoothie blended from exotic fruits. (more) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-healthy-breakfast-foods ]
More Answers to “What are some healthy breakfast foods
What are some healthy breakfast foods?
Boiled eggs (not the yolk) with some oatmeal. Special k has tasty yet healthy cereal, you can add a banana or some other fruit. Fruit salad with some low fat yogurt. Cereal’s the best option especially if you don’t have much time in the mor…
What Is a Good Breakfast?
A balanced breakfast is a good breakfast and includes fruit, whole-grain foods, and a source of protein.
Where are Healthy Breakfast Foods?
While surfing the web I came across numerous Web sites that market breakfast foods. If the Web site markets to children, parents need to monitor the content, limit time on the site, and caution children about marketing vs. education. Video …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some easy healthy breakfast foods?
Q: I don’t have any time in the morning to eat breakfast before I leave for school (don’t tell me to get up earlier or make time because that is not going to happen!!) Its takes about 7 minutes to get to school so that is how long I have to eat breakfast. What are some easy, healthy, not messy breakfast foods that I can take in the car with me and eat on the way to school?? Thanks!!
A: boiled eggs. make a sandwich before you go to bed. Or make a protein shake and bring it in a bottle.
What are some healthy breakfast foods/recipes?
Q: I’m starting to get healthy and from the most part I can tell bad foods from good foods using my common sense but i was never a big breakfast eater. i just feel sick and tired in the morning and then later on in the day i get hungry and thats when i binge eat cause im starving from not eating anything. What are some light breakfast foods that i can eat in the morning? Thanks! :]
A: – Cup of wholegrain cearel with 1/2 cup skimmed- 1% milk with a serving of fruit added (1/4 cup dried fruit, 1/2 cup berries, 125mL juice, OR 1 medium fruit – apple, orange, banana, etc..)- 1/2 cup granola/ musili with 1/2 cup skimmed- 1% milk OR 125mL lowfat yoghurt with a serving of fruit added (1/4 cup dried fruit, 1/2 cup berries, 125mL juice, OR 1 medium fruit – apple, orange, banana, etc..)- 1-2 pkgs instant oatmeal (3/4 cup steel oats) made with 1/2 cup skimmed- 1% milk with a serving of fruit added (1/4 cup dried fruit, 1/2 cup berries, 125mL juice, OR 1 medium fruit – apple, orange, banana, etc..)- 2 slices whole wheat toast (1 whole wheat bagel) with 2 eggs (*optional- with 2 tsp margerine on toast) and a glass of skim- 1% milk with a serving of fruit (1/4 cup dried fruit, 1/2 cup berries, 125mL juice, OR 1 medium fruit – apple, orange, banana, etc..)- 1 slice whole wheat bread with 1-2 tbsp peanut butter, a chopped banana and glass of skimmed- 1% milkHope i’v helped, best of luck!
What are some healthy breakfast foods to eat while trying to lose weight?
Q: I’m trying to lose weight and I know that you’re supposed to eat breakfast to do that. I hate breakfast but I’m going to force myself to eat it because it will help speed up my metabolism. I don’t know what to eat though. I need some good suggestions.
A: If you like breakfast foods, try some turkey bacon or sausage, I really, really like it.You can portion breakfast our to a serving size ans have you a couple pancakes with some lite light syrup.Try toast with jelly and maybe some I can’t believe it’s not butter spray, or an English muffin. Oatmeal (flavored of course for me), cream of wheat! There are a lot of good cold cereals out there that are good for you!Make yourself a breakfast sandwich or burrito or breakfast bowl. If you make it yourself the chances of it being a healthy choice is in your hands!Try some fruit.You can also try some protein shakes, they are really quick, good for you and delicious. It’s easy because you are just drinking it, not really eating with the benefits of feeling satisfied. You can make yourself a fruit smoothie with it or just create a fruit smoothie all together.I am not trying to solicit anyone, but where I get all my shakes and health products are in my profile! I take them personally I am just sharing my experience! I have cafe latte, french vanilla and chocolate!I take a number of them but you can look through it yourself and decide what is right for you!Hope this helps a little! Good Luck to you! I wish you all the best!
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