What are some side effects of lack of protein

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some side effects of lack of protein”,you can compare them.

Some side effects of a lack of protein are a lack of energy, difficulty breathing, thinning hair and nails, muscle fatigue and heart palpitations. It can become even more dangerous. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-side-effects-of-lack-of-protein ]
More Answers to “What are some side effects of lack of protein
Can lack of protein in a diet cause side effects or harm to overa…?
Symptoms of protein deficiency The human body can’t store protein, so it must be supplied on a daily basis from the foods we eat. Strict vegetarians who don’t consume any animal products at all are at increased risk of protein deficiency if…
What are the effects of lacking protein?
your body wont repair broken muscles and go into a catabolic state which mean it eats ur muscle for energy regardless if u have carbs u need protein it’s the building block to all ur cells
What does protien do for you body, how does lack of protein effec…?
It does help build muscle but it also gives you energy and fights infection. My Mom-in-law was told by her dr. to eat 60 grams of protein a day when she had surgery for cancer and kept getting infections. When she started eating the protein…

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what are two side effects of not eating enough protein?
Q: this is for p.e. (i couldn’t believe they give us projects, either) and i need to know two side effects from lack of protein. i have one (supressed immune system) but i still need one more. THANKS!
A: “Lack of protein can cause growth failure, loss of muscle mass, decreased immunity, weakening of the heart and respiratory system, and death.”For more information, look at the harvard med website i attached for you! Best Answer Pleaseee
Can lack of protein in a diet cause side effects or harm to overall health?
Q: What kind of signs should I look for in my body?
A: Symptoms of protein deficiencyThe human body can’t store protein, so it must be supplied on a daily basis from the foods we eat. Strict vegetarians who don’t consume any animal products at all are at increased risk of protein deficiency if they don’t eat a wide range of complementary plant proteins. Symptoms of protein deficiency include: Wasting and shrinkage of muscle tissue Oedema (build-up of fluids, particularly in the feet and ankles) Anaemia (the blood’s inability to deliver sufficient oxygen to the cells, usually caused by dietary deficiencies such as lack of iron) Slow growth (in children).
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Q: I take at least 5 differebt types of vitamins is this bad? What are the downfalls of taking so much vitamins? Is it bad to take too much vitamins/pills? Why is is better to eat the stuff that has calcium and protein if there are vitamins? Please excuse me from lack of knowledge but I would like to know.
A: it depends on what vitamins it is. for instance a lot of vitamin c is ok…but too much iron can be deadly too much of any vitamin can be hazardous to your healthits better to get the vitamins naturally because they are just that, natural… natural things are always better
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