What are some symptoms of having a gallbladder problem

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Bile Duct Tumors: jaundice, weight loss, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, whole body skin irritation, skin itchiness, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-symptoms-of-having-a-gallbladder-problem ]
More Answers to “What are some symptoms of having a gallbladder problem
Can nausea and vomiting be the only symptom of a gallbladder prob…?
Not everyone presents with all the symptoms of any specific disorder but the pain is usually abdominal — not at the upper back and bilaterally. There are about 20 conditions associated with your symptoms. You may have to go through a scree…
What are the symptoms of Gall Bladder problems?
SOME SYMPTOMS OF GALLBLADDER PROBLEMS: Pain or tenderness under the rib cage on the right side Pain between shoulder blades Stools light or chalky colored Indigestion after eating, especially fatty or greasy foods Nausea Dizziness Bloating …
Is Chronic Diarrhea A Symptom Of Gallbladder Problems??
Chronic diarrhea is not a symptom of gallbladder problems. Symptoms of gallbladder problems include pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, belching, gas, and indigestion. You may have something like the stomach flu or food poisoning. There could…

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how do you know if you have an appendix or gallbladder problem?
Q: what are some symptoms.. only people with experience please… do you have pains… what kind of pain and where.. what else…? does this happen to people of all ages?
A: With both conditions you have pain in specific parts of the abdomen along with other symptoms that include nausea, bloating, constipation or diarrhea. Appendicitis usually produces a fever, whereas, gallbladder problems do not. Also, appendicitis progresses fairly rapidly, so if the problem is more or less the same after several days, its probably not appendicitis. There’s so much overlap in the symptoms, the location of the pain is important for making an initial diagnosis. Follow up tests are used to confirm or reject an initial diagnosis. With gallbladder problems, they tend to occur on the left, upper quadrant of the abdomen, toward the back side. With appendix problems, pain or tenderness usually starts near the navel and expands toward the right of the abdomen, on the front side. To determine which area is causing the problem, pushing firmly on the soft part of your abdomen in the vicinity of the gallbladder or the appendix will produce a sharp pain if you hit the right spot. Doctors know exactly where and how to push when examining you to look for this response. You can try this yourself by systematically pushing with two fingers into various parts of your abdomen and looking for tender spots. You would be looking for an instant jolt of pain, not merely an uncomfortable feeling caused by pushing too hard. Its extremely unusual for gall bladder problems to show up in children, and older adults are most susceptible. Appendicitis affects people of all ages, but teens to 30’s is the window where the frequency of occurrence is highest, and appendicitis becomes less common as adults pass their 40s.
What are the symptoms of a gallbladder going bad?
Q: I have been having problems since at least February and am wondering if it couldbe my gallbladder. I end up having severe pain right under my sternum that shoots through to my back. It seems to vary with what I have eaten or drunk through the day…and mostly happens at night, but has happened during the day. I also have horrible heartburn, feels like some one is sitting on my chest and feel like I could vomit at any moment….any ideas as to what could be going on?
A: gall bladder symptoms:The symptoms of most types of gallbladder disorders are similar. Pain is usually intense and sudden, starting in the upper right abdomen and radiating to the right shoulder blade. The pain may come and go, and onset is often after a rich meal. Other symptoms include nausea and vomiting, fever and chills, and jaundice. See your healthcare provider if you have sharp persistent pain in the abdomen. He or she must rule out other causes that need immediate treatment. For example, the appendix is also on the right side of the abdomen. It is lower than the gallbladder.Ulcer symptoms(H. Plyori)Abdominal discomfort is the most common symptom. This discomfort usually * is a dull, gnawing ache * comes and goes for several days or weeks * occurs 2 to 3 hours after a meal * occurs in the middle of the night (when the stomach is empty) * is relieved by eating * is relieved by antacid medicationsOther symptoms include * weight loss * poor appetite * bloating * burping * nausea * vomitingSome people experience only very mild symptoms, or none at all.Emergency SymptomsIf you have any of these symptoms, call your doctor right away: * sharp, sudden, persistent stomach pain * bloody or black stools * bloody vomit or vomit that looks like coffee groundsThey could be signs of a serious problem, such as * perforation—when the ulcer burrows through the stomach or duodenal wall * bleeding—when acid or the ulcer breaks a blood vessel * obstruction—when the ulcer blocks the path of food trying to leave the stomachHiatial HerniaTypical symptoms are heartburn and belching. One may have a burning taste in the mouth. Sometimes spitting up food occurs when the stomach is full. This may be more common at night. There may be a sense of food being stuck on its way down. This symptom may also be a symptom of esophageal cancer and should be evaluated by your healthcare provider.the reason I put all of these symptoms down is because sometimes you can be misdiagnosed. I was in fall of ’99 the doctors said my gallbladder was bad. It turned out after several months of pain and testing I had the H. Polyri ulcer. It was horriable. I was never a small woman but in 4 months I lost 45 lbs and went from size 12 to a size 3. You was also was able to see every bone in my body because I have a large frame. My advice is to go to a doctor fast if you are having any of these symptoms.
Looking for some advice from anyone who has or knows someone who may have suffered from gallbladder problems.
Q: What symtoms did you have and how were they treated. Have just been told I have quite a few polyps on my gallbladder. I have put on some weight and I am not sure if this is one of the symptoms.
A: my daughter had gall stones acute pain for about a day then ok for awhile she had gall bladder removed the operation was not to bad she got over it quickly so go for it if you have the chance
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