What are some symptoms of zanax

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Side effects: decreased libido, drowsiness, fatigue, impaired coordination, memory loss, speech difficulties, weight changes.more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-symptoms-of-zanax ]
More Answers to “What are some symptoms of zanax
What are symptoms of XANAX ?
alprazolam; Xanax
How to Conquer Xanax Withdrawal Symptoms
・ 1 Discuss Xanax discontinuation and Xanax withdrawal symptoms with your physician. Abrupt withdrawal… ・ 2 Withdrawal from Xanax slowly, unless advised otherwise. One slow reduction method involves dissolving… ・ 3 Educate yourself on t…
Are these symptoms normal with Xanax?
You mean a side effects, not symptoms. Alprazolam (Xanax) has been reported to increase/decrease your sex drive but your groin shouldn’t be hurting. Don’t give yourself any higher doses, go see your doctor and tell him what you’re feeling. …

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Not sure what’s wrong with me?!?!?!?
Q: So, here’s my problem (with a brief history as to what has been going on). About 2 1/2 months ago, I was extremely ill with the stomach flu. The night I was first ill with this, I experienced horrible Acid Reflux, which was a rarity for me throughout my entire life (currently 25 years old). While sick, I continuously vomited, etc… After that night of being sick, no more Acid Reflux. Now, let’s flash forward about 2-3 weeks later. It’s Superbowl Sunday, so I decided to drink a fair amount of caffeine, a beer or two, chips with queso cheese, salsa, etc… Needless to say I had a lot of caffeine and spicy food. During the night on this night, I have horrible Acid Reflux again, which persists through the night. The next morning, this was gone. Later the following day/early evening, I decided to have an iced coffee drink. That night, I had horrible Acid Reflux…worse than any other night. The next day, and for the next 1 1/2 weeks, I started feeling like something was stuck in my throat, continued to have Acid Reflux and also Heartburn.So, I switch myself on to a very, very mild diet for around 2 weeks, up until Valentine’s Day. I had no caffeine, no spicy food, no chocolate…nor anything that would upset me. It all seems to go away. I then go out with my fiancee’ on Valentine’s Day and have a great meal, with a few glasses of Rose’ and port later in the night. Still, I’m not affected. A week (or so) from Valentine’s Day, I decide to have a glass of wine with dinner. Very soon after this point, my symptoms are back full force…only this time, with added symptoms to include: Acid Reflux, Heartburn, feeling of something stuck in my throat, gurgling noise in my throat after swallowing and excessive burping. I also begin to start having issues with my stomach, as if I was extremely constipated with an empty like feeling in my stomach.After feeling this way a week later, I decide to go to the doctor. He prescribes Prilosec OTC and recommends I take this for 2 months straight. So, I take one dose and I start to have a rapid heartbeat. I’m prone to an irregular heartbeat and heart palpitations…something having to do with a Mitrovalve Prolapse. Knowing this, I stop taking the Prilosec and begin to get back on my mild diet, playing it safe.Unfortunately, as of today (it’s been about 2 – 2 1/2 weeks since I saw the doctor) some of my symptoms are still lingering…the gurgling noise in my throat and excessive burping. I just want to go back to normal. I’ve never had any issues like this before and don’t want to medicate if it’s going to affect my heart, etc… I was told, by family members who used to be in healthcare, to avoid the medicine if it affects my heart. I’m not sure what this could be, as I do have some of the symptoms for Acid Reflux, etc… yet know that before I was sick nothing like this ever happened before. Is it possible that I have some type of infection, or parasite causing this to occur? Is it possible it’s all been induced by stress? I realize that stress can do horrible things to your body, especially if you internalize all things that your worried about. Truthfully, I just want this to pass. I want to go back to the way I was. Please, I need your help in coming up with alternative ideas and potential solutions that can get my digestive system back on track and my esophagus if it’s been affected. I don’t want to medicate and really don’t want to have an endoscope. Really appreciate your thoughts on all of this. Oh yeah…forgot to mention that my fiancee’ and I now live with her parents and I’m thinking that the stress within the household could actually be causing, or really contributing to my issues. Today, I went back to the doctor and he prescribed me to take Zanax. Unfortunately, it has the same side affects (creating a rapid heartbeat) that I’ve decided not to take it. They did took some X-rays of me today and are bringing me back in the next couple of days to perform a test where I swallow a charcoal like liquid that shows how fluids are moving through the esophagus. Thoughts? Thanks, in advance.
A: Get the endoscope done. Other than that, ulcer maybe?
I need some help with anxieties?
Q: My father had a massive heart attack about a month ago. It was a very stressful time for me. He had bypass surgery and survived and is doing well. Anyway ever since i am having anxieties and making my self think I am having a heart attack! I had a stress echo about 6 months ago and everything was fine, but I can’t stop obsessing over this. I take Niravam(kinda like zanax) and it does help. Mostly at night I have these panic attacks and I am afraid to go to bed. when i am busy i don’t have any symptoms, but when I finally stop for the day I do. should I seek therapy? Since being married I have had a very stressful life (ex wife and step kids from husbands previous marraige) I just don’t know what to do . cuz of the stress i have also been getting heartburn, and that is making me crazy too.any help would be wonderful..
A: Hi! I’m sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. The following steps should help eliminate (or significantly reduce) your panic attacks:1.Breathe properly – if you control your breathing, you control panic. As soon as you notice the signs of anxiety, check your breathing: breathe in slowly through your nose pushing your tummy out (to the count of 5 or so). Breathe out slowly and for a bit longer (to the count of 7 or so) through your mouth. Do not breathe rapidly or shallowly (in the chest area). This will soon restore the balance of oxygen and you will feel a lot better. 2. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy! CBT is proven to be the most effective thing for panic attacks. It takes a bit of work, but it is super effective. (After 15 years of panic attacks, mine stopped completely).You can speak to your doctor about taking a course or you can take a course for free online at: http://www.livinglifetothefull.com/elear… 3. Try relaxation exercise tapes (progressive muscular relaxation). They really help if you practise often enough. This site has instructions on how to do it without the tapes (and other useful info): http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resource… With each step, practise makes perfect! I hope you feel better soon. Best of luck!
Why does my new doctor act like I’m a drug addict?
Q: I am 57 yr. old. I sometimes get very antsy and also start shaking and get upset over little things. My previous docter prescribed zanaz for me and it really helped. I didn’t have to take it everyday, only when these symptoms accured. It calmed me down and even my family said I was alot easier to live with. I had to change docters recently and my new doctor acted as though I was some kind of dope addict when I told her that I wanted zanax. Instead, she wanted to perscribe zolof for me. I told her that my previous doctor had tried that medication and it just didnt work for me. Now she wants me to go to see a family counceler to find out whats my problem. I’v never been hooked on any kind of drug. And I havent got any serious family problems other then the day to day problems of life. I feel like I’m 57 yrs. old and should know by now what helps me and what dosnt. How should I handle this doctor?
A: Find an old doctor. New, young doctor’s might be afraid to lose their license overprescribing addictive meds. An older, more experienced doctor would know that zoloft increases anxiety in many people. A different SSRI drug like lexapro would be much better. But if xanaax worked well for you, then there is no reason not to continue with it since it actually is a anti-anxiety medicine whereas zoloft is an antidepresant. It’s easier to get medicine from a new doctor if you bring in the old empty bottle with you so he or she feels comfortable knowing you had the drug before.
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