What are some Weight loss foods i <3 E. J

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some Weight loss foods i <3 E. J”,you can compare them.

A few “weight-loss foods” include Steak, eggs, kale, oats, lentils, goji berries, wild salmon, apples, buckwheat pasta, blueberries and almond butter. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-weight-loss-foods-i-%3C3-e.-j ]
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Q: I’m 17. I’m not overweight, but I’m trying to set a record at my school for bench press (300 pounds- I bench 285). That’s for the 135-150 pound weight class though, and I weigh 154 approximately. I already work out regularly (swimming, running, lifting, etc.), and I’m not loosing much weight, so I figure it’s my diet. I need something that I can snack on throughout the day, and is a good filler, without a lot of calories/sugar.
A: A combination of good carbohydrates, fats, and proteins will help you lose weight easily. For example, good carbohydrates are low fat milk or soy milk, vegetables, and fruits that you can have in your daily diet and make sure you do get rid of them. Good fats are olives, nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, etc.), and avocados because your body does need some type of fats. Also, have lean proteins (fish, turkey, chicken, eggs, beans, etc.) so you won’t go hungry during the day.
what are some healthy weight loss foods?
Q: i work out from 2 hours a day id just like to know what foods to eat if i wanted to lose weight. like, whats healthy? veges grilled chicken and fish….any ideas?
A: Pretty much all vegetables are good. Some have a little more calories than others but generally they have few calories and lots of fiber. Also, if you like bread or pasta, try to eat whole wheat and make sure they don’t just “contain” wheat but actually are whole wheat. They not only have fiber and less processed grains, but whole wheat has been found to have other health benefits as well. Try to drink plenty of fluids but not juice or soda. Drink water, and if you don’t like just plain water, drink flavored seltzer waters that don’t have calories or very few. People don’t realize it when they drink all their calories because they don’t feel full. Turkey has less fat than chicken, and make sure you eat baked chicken or saute it in a small amount of olive oil and use seasonings for flavoring (i.e. spices, garlic, onions, etc.). Try to avoid too much salt because that can make you retain water. You do need some sodium in your diet though. That’s it for now. Good luck.
Some good weight loss foods?
Q: I already have carrots, green beans, and grapefruit that’ll pretty much be my lunch and breakfast. What else can I eat?
A: Fruits and Vegetables, they are all the same.
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