What are the benefits of drinking green tea

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the benefits of drinking green tea”,you can compare them.

Green tea helps prevent cancer; helps raise metabolism; increases fat oxidation; reduces risks of heart disease. More benefits? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-benefits-of-drinking-green-tea ]
More Answers to “What are the benefits of drinking green tea
This is from my collection of healthy tips: 25 Reasons Why You Should Start Drinking Green Tea Now .. Green tea has increasingly become a very popular drink worldwide because of its immensely powerful health benefits. It is extraordinarily …
just a few medical conditions in which drinking green tea is reputed to be helpful: * cancer * rheumatoid arthritis * high cholesterol levels * cariovascular disease * infection * impaired immune function The secret of green tea lies in the…
We have often been bombarded with claims of one specific product being a cure-all for a variety of ailments — some of these snake oil products assert their ability to cure baldness, rheumatism, weight loss, and digestive problems. This mir…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the benefits of drinking Green Tea?
Q: Is it true that it helps increase metabolism? If so, is there a specific amount or specific time (like before or after a meal, or twice a day with once in the morning and once before you go to bed) in order for this to occur with the desirable results. I’m also curious as to the other benefits that Green Tea provides – not just the metabolism thing.
A: Green Tea provides many antioxidants that improves your immune system and Metabolism
What are the benefits of drinking green tea?
Q: I have been drinking green tea for 2 months and all I can feel is my metabolism speeding up. I have been drinking Celestial Seasoning green tea the whole time. Is this real green tea or not? Just wondering.
A: It has been proven that green tea is bursting with health benefits. It acts as a powerful antioxidant, which has been known to help prevent cancer, recover from the harmful cholesterol, and protect against damage caused by free radicals. Medical Benefits: Green tea has many medical benefits, and is known for prevention of the following diseases: Cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, High Cholesterol, Cardiovascular Disease, Infection, and Impaired Immune FunctionOther Benefits: Promotes weight loss- the leaves of green tea plants help raise metabolism in the body. By increasing the amount of calories burned in a 24-hour period, green tea promotes weight loss. Prevent bad breath- an element found in green tea decreases the growth of odor-causing bacteria. It is said that drinking a cup or two of green tea may help maintain fresh breath. Reduce smoking risks- cigarette smokers who drink up to six cups of green tea daily reduces their susceptibility to risks caused by the toxins emitted in cigarette smoke. Beauty remedy- green tea may be used to freshen up the face and sooth tired or strained eyes. It can be applied to spots and blemishes to lessen their visibility. Antiseptic properties- Green tea is also known to treat minor cuts and rashes, and is an effective treatment for sunburn. Green teas inhibit the expression of antigens made by the body, substances that can trigger an immune response. National Cancer Institute reports that Green Tea has Cancer preventing abilities and Cancer fighting components add new life to the market. People who have relied on expensive anti-oxidant products are finding that Green Tea is very economical and all natural. Tea is one of the top selling consumable drinks, only toped by water. Green tea can even help prevent tooth decay! Just as its bacteria-destroying abilities can help prevent food poisoning, it can also kill the bacteria that causes dental plaque. Meanwhile, skin preparations containing green tea – from deodorants to creams – are starting to appear on the market.
What exactly are the benefits of drinking green tea?
Q: I know it is good for me so I have been drinking it but I don’t care much for the taste so I usually dunk a tea bag flavored with fruit in with it and am wondering if that counteracts the benefits.
A: On my question http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid=1006041508674&pa=BYhiWzO4VDEwluZeGUdSFurcCNI- you said there was no BURGER KING. I think you need to listen to dane cook
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