What berry has the most antioxidants

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The acai berry is said to have 10 times the antioxidant benefits of grapes & twice the amount of blueberries! ChaCha for now! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-berry-has-the-most-antioxidants ]
More Answers to “What berry has the most antioxidants
How Many Antioxidants Are Really in Acai Berry?
Acai Berry, also known as the wonder berry, is becoming very popular as more and more people are becoming conscious over the state of their health. Acai berry contains antioxidants that are very healthy for the body since they attack free r…
Is Acai Berry Fruit the Best Antioxidant Source in the World??
One of the main reasons why the little purple-colored berry from the Amazon rain forest has grown in popularity and worldwide fame in such a short period after being introduced to the general public, is because of this fruit’s mega antioxid…
Are there any beverages that contain the acai berry, or are rich …?
yeah there are plenty especially at walmart. They usually have to be refrigerated so look in by the veggies they have there health drinks there. I bought mona vie for a while but it gave me headaches and I did some Research on the web and r…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Has anybody had success with the Acai Berry diet?
Q: I want to start taking acai berry supplements. But has anybody had any success taking them? I read that it increases your metabolism, and has tons of antioxidants and vitamins in them. Any help would be greatly appreciated!I do water aerobics 2-3 times a week. So I am getting some form of work out.Plus where can you buy the actual berries? I do my grocery shopping at Winco… I dont know if they have acai berries there.
A: The Acai Berry is one of natures super-foods and has one of the highest antioxidant values od any food so for that reason alone it is a good food source to have in your diet. However, when any food is processed it is likely to lose some of its nutritional value so it’s better to eat the berries themselves rather than a supplement.Rather than rely on food or supplements to increase your metabolism why not do some form of exercise so you get the health related benefits as well. Even 15 minutes of cross training or circuit training can have fantastic metabolism boosting effects.
Has anyone heard of this product called Acai its supposed to be a berry pill that’s an antioxidant.?
Q: There is a product that I heard of on Oprah and CNN and a few other shows. Its called Acai. It is supposed to be an Antioxidant and a dietary supplement. If anyone has tried or knows something about this product please let me know something.
A: Yep, I saw it on Oprah and on Rachel Ray I think.. anyway, I ordered the free sample from http://ultraacaiberry.com/y/ and I have been taking it for like 3 weeks so far and it’s been working really great! I’ve started losing weight, I have more energy, and I just FEEL great..
How does Acai berry help you lose weight?
Q: I’ve seen all these adds online about some miracle acai berry diet and I’ve read and heard that the acai berry is a great berry full with antioxidants and what not. But how does it help you lose weight?
A: If you are really looking to lose weight, Acai probably isn’t enough just by itself.It’s a very healthy food, high in vitamins and anti-oxidants, but those won’t really result in weight loss.I suggest doing what this mom did and combining the Acai diet with a cleansing program. http://sara-acai-berry-story.blogspot.com/
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