What can I eat to lose weight fast

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A good way to lose weight weight is to eat low fat meals and exercise several times a week. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-i-eat-to-lose-weight-fast ]
More Answers to “What can I eat to lose weight fast
What can i eat to lose Weight fast?
Here’s some ideas for simple weight loss: First, get smaller plates. Most dinner plates these days are huge. Next, plate your food as follows, 1/2 the plate vegetables, 1/4 protein, 1/4 carbohydrates. Fruit on the side or for snack. Eat les…
How Fast Can You Lose Weight By Not Eating?
First of all, starving is not the healthy way to lose weight, and it is also not necessarily the fastest. One can be assured of losing weight in a short period of time if one follows a proper balanced regime as follows: Determine your calor…
How to Lose Weight Eating Fast Food
Do you have no time to cook and a love of fast food? The secret is that you can still order your favorite items. Fast food should not be eaten every day because it is usually nutritionally…

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How many calories should I eat to lose weight fast!!?
Q: my goal weight is about 100lbs. I am 5’6 and weigh about 130lbs. how many calories should I eat per day to lose weight fast??
A: 100 pounds at 5`6 is NOT a good idea. You’d look, and be, too thin while looking unattractive (I’m 5`6 myself and I weight 120 lbs).Aim for 115-120 lbs. You might want to eat between 1150-1200 calories a day to get at this weight while doing cardio for 45-60 minutes a day, 5-6 times a week if possible.Good luck
Is it possible to lose weight and eat fast food if your eating between 1000 and 1500 calories a day?
Q: I’m just wondering because I count calories and want to lose weight but I do eat fast food…I noticed I’m not gaining anything since I been counting calories but once I begin exercizing on a regular basis over the summer will I lose or stay the same?
A: Yes you can.and you will lose weight. A calorie is a calorie. You just won’t be healthy if you “live” on fast foods because some of don’t break down in your body.I would suggest varying what you eat. And EAT WHAT YOU LIKE just make sure you make a calorie deficit and dont over do it.
What are the best foods to eat to lose weight fast (along with exercise)and still not be hungry?
Q: I am getting older and wish to drop about 40 to 50 lbs. Should I lift weights or walk ? . I have a bad knee (arthritis) and can’t walk for that long without it being very painful. And, is there a web site for seniors who want to begin a weight lifting program?. I know this is a lot but I just can’t seem to find out any other way.
A: You should do a combination of lifting weights and walking for maximum fat loss!! If walking for long periods hurts you, consider breaking it up, like walking a little in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening.As far as food goes, some good foods to lose weight and still be full are whole wheat toast with a little peanut butter, bananas, almonds (just the serving size), plain oatmeal with fruit or peanut butter mixed in, lean proteins like chicken and fish (not breaded) It’s also best to eat 5-6 little meals throughout the day, which makes you less likely to get hungry.Good luck!
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