What can you eat to make you poop

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What can you eat to make you poop”,you can compare them.

Laxatives are medicines that increase the ease of bowel movements. Laxatives are available for the relief of mild constipation. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-you-eat-to-make-you-poop ]
More Answers to “What can you eat to make you poop
What to eat to make the perfect poop?
Wholemeal or seed bread 3 or 4 slices.
What can I eat to make my poop green?
Blueberries or other high-in-iron foods. (: oh…and cakes with green food colouring…I’m sure there was a lot of green poop a day or 2 after St. Paddy’s!
How to Make Dogs Not Eat Poop
・ 1 Adjust the dog’s diet. Make sure your dog is eating healthy food designed for his age group (puppy… ・ 2 Increase the amount you feed your dog. Some dogs seem to be constantly hungry. If the dog is still… ・ 3 Keep your dog on a leash…

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what can i give my cat eat that will make her poop taste bad to my dog?
Q: I heard there was something that you can put in you cats food that will make their poop taste bad to a dog. My dog just loves to eat my cats poop. Its disgusting! He knows he is not supposed to do it so he will wait till im not in the room to go in and eat it. I don’t think the repellents will work because im afraid that it will repel the cat too.
A: As gross as it is Dogs eat cat poop on purpose. Cat poop is very high in protein. Dogs will eat poop when they feel they are not getting enough protein…. i really don’t think you can stop it. Put the litter box in a place that the cat can get into but the dog can’t. Or clean the little box as often as you can.
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Q: If they were your blood parents and they did all of that to you, would you still love them?
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Why do dogs eat poop? How do you make them stop?
Q: Any ideas would be great this is disgusting.
A: They have pills that you can get from your vet that aren’t too expensive that you give for 2 weeks. Or you can try the old fashioned method and feed them pineapple. Works half the time, some dogs you just can’t break though. My lab is going to be 9 & he still does it !!!
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